For a while now (even in the crib), Wesleigh has not been taking great naps. And when she does, it takes forever to get her to sleep at night. It wasn't
so bad when she was in her crib and I just laid her down. Now that I'm having to lay down with her...not so good.
Here are my choices:
1. Put her down for a nap (I'd have to lay down with her to get her to sleep), enjoy the peace and quiet for a while, then lay down with her from 9:00-11:00 waiting for her to go to sleep.
2. Don't put her down for a nap. Deal with any crabby outbursts (not very many). Lay down with her from 9:00-9:10 while she crashes.
It's a no-brainer!! I do miss nap time, but I have to say...I love not being tied to that nap. If I'm not home at 1:00, no problem!
Monday, when she had such a hard day at the doctors, she fell asleep on the couch at about 5:30. She has never done this! I took this picture with my iphone because I wanted to send it to Richard.

I just couldn't bear to wake her up after such a rough day, but I definitely paid the price later. She could
fall asleep!! UGH!!
So, yesterday at 5:30 or so, while I was cooking dinner, I notice her getting cozy on the sofa. I called her name and when she answered, I told her she'd better not go to sleep. I did this a few times and each time, I know she was about to crash. I had to leave and pick up Bryce, so I left her with Braden. He said, he walked into the living room and saw her with her eyes closed on the couch. When he called her name, she jumped and said, "I not seepin'". I could just eat her!!
Cruel...maybe, but guess what? I laid down with her from 9:00-9:10 and got to have the rest of the night...and it's 8:46 and she's STILL sleeping!!! Whoo Hoo!!!
On a different subject...her measurements at the dr. show that she is exactly the same height as Gracie. (at least the measurements we have been given). Gracie still outweighs her by a few, but I think they're going to be very close in height. I can't wait to see them together!!