Bryce has been super busy. He seems to have come into his own this year. He is happy, pleasant and generally easy to be with. (Come on know that there are times our kids are not fun to be with!!) He has a girlfriend who happens to be the daughter of a very good friend of mine. I haven't had the chance to snap their picture, but I will soon :)
Bryce had his last track meet last week. This was our first experience with track, and we really enjoyed it. Bryce is a good long-distance runner. His event was the mile and he ended the season with a time of 5:48. He was very pleased and I was very impressed (of course, it doesn't take much to impress this mama :) He is 5'8" right now and wears a 12 shoe! He was standing next to Richard the other day and I noticed that their legs are the same length!! Richard is 6'0"!!

He has been asked to run cross-country in the fall, but he'll have to decide if he wants to run or swim. I don't think he can fit in both since he also marches in the band for football games in the fall...we shall see!
Sea Cadets has kept him (us) busy also. They performed the color guard at a LSU softball game:

I will post more of these on Wesleigh's post. She wanted to be right in the middle of all those boys! She also looked ADORABLE in her purple and gold!!

They also did the color guard at a memorial service. Bryce has taught himself to play the boswain pipe. The navy uses that to signal different things to the soldiers. He only knows a couple of signals so far, but it's pretty cool. He's playing it in this pic. It's small and fits in his hand.

They have lessons they have to complete and trainings they have to attend to move up in rank. Bryce is working very hard on these and I couldn't be prouder of him.

Bryce also had his spring band concert. In one of the numbers, he had 3 French horn solos. I am working on uploading the video, but don't seem to be patient enough. I'll keep working on that. They were awesome!
Other than that, there was a group "date" at our house last weekend. It was a little odd to be carrying a toddler to bed while your teenager was watching a movie in the other room with his date and friends. Definitely a "warp zone" moment. :)
That ought to do it for Bryce, other than the band video.
I am so looking forward to Easter break!! School is about to do me in!!! Cade told me there were only 19 more days of school left!!!! YAY!!!!
This weekend will be our first weekend without baseball in a couple of months! We are happy for the break to be able to celebrate our Savior's resurrection! I'm going to try to post the next kid tomorrow!!!
Loving the update on the kids! I can't believe how TALL Bryce is! I had to keep staring at his "track pic"! Wow!!!! Wait...and a girlfriend!! Where does the time go?!!
As always I love the Sea Cadets pictures! I think the young men look so handsome in their uniforms! What a busy young man! I LOVE THAT!!!
Bryce...3 french horn solo's! When I was in the band and played a clarinet, ONE solo was daunting enough for me!! Go Bryce!!
I had to laugh about the "teenager in one room, while carrying a toddler! Just try juggling "visiting" grandkids all 3 and under and MY 4yr old preschooler! Add a spring breaking college kid and the madness continues!!
I can't believe how much he has grown in the last year!
He is very handsome and I can see why you are such a proud mama.
a girlfriend?!?! It was hard for me to even read past that! lol!! I dont know WHAT i will do when I wake up one day and my son has a girlfriend :-) HA! Bryce looks so handsome in his Sea Cadets uniform - and what an awesome season of track! You have lots to be proud of with him!
19 more days!! Better get the summer 'agenda' prepared :-) ((or the sun tan lotion out))
Way to go Bryce, what a great kid! your comment about putting a toddler to bed while having "date night" at your house made me laugh since it was not too long ago that Allie was arguing with us about what we were not allowing her to do and John David was screaming about something ( at 18 months) and Hank and I looked at each other and said "this is our life" and died laughing:)
OMG!! That is a MAN running track, wow, how fast time has passed. Love the update, I know you are super busy. Tell all the kids Nanny says hello!! Love you!
WOW Bryce seems like a great kid! Know just what you mean about the date/toddler comment... right there with you! It will be wonderful to have school done and summer here to play!!! Yay!!!
Oh my goodness ~19 days!!!! I am with Sara! I need to get my summer agnda going. I cannot be all loosey goosey with no plans. I need plans for my kids!!!
Back to know how happy this post makes me. He is a really neat kid and I am glad that he has come into his own this year. Makes me smile!!!
Bryce has been such a pleasure this year (he always has been) I am loving being the grandparent of a teenager--at least this teenager. He's so happy and that's fun!
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