It has been WAY too long since I've posted. Every so often, I lose any and all motivation to blog. Not only have I not posted, I also haven't visit anyone else's blogs. I will try to fix that this week. We have been super busy (this time of year always is). I guess I've just been trying to keep my head above water. We have been baseball-ing it every weekend, and trying to catch up during the weeks while juggling practices and track meets...just everybody!! I wouldn't have it any other way!! We played ball this weekend about an hour away, in a city that I have been to many times. What we found, however, is an unbelievable community on the water. We couldn't get over how wonderful this place was! Of course, the perfect weather didn't hurt either. I took Wesleigh for a walk in between games and brought my camera along. I wasn't able to capture all the charm on film, but I tried:

What Wesleigh discovered this weekend is that other brothers can be just as much fun as the originals :) We have lots of brothers on our team and they worked hard to get Wesleigh to play with them. When she finally joined in, she wouldn't leave them alone! She decided to put one of them to sleep with her pillow, blanket and baby. He was a good sport to play along.

This is how she spent a couple of innings. Having Wesleigh has definitely changed the way I watch baseball, but she is really so good. This DVD player is worth its weight in gold!!

My favorite picture of the boys this weekend. We made it all the way to the championship game, but couldn't pull it out. This was their first weekend as a "major" team. To finish 2nd was awesome!!
Good to see you back:) You are in the thick of it right now. John David was a baby when my older 3 had track, lacrosse and dance team and it sure was crazy: I have great memories of that time though:) Have a great week!
I've missed your blog! Wesleigh looks so cute with her finger in her mouth. I love your bronze purse. Would you share where you found it?
Welcome back...don't know how you manage to do it all! I only have one and that keeps me busy. Love the photos of Miss W, she looks very comfy and snuggly.
Girl if you ever come on over to my neck of the woods to play we simply MUST meet up!
It's that time of year isn't it? The pics of Wesleigh watching a movie is SO sweet!!! Precious girl!!!
Your pics of that little town make me miss "home." Where were yall? Love the pic of Wesleigh with her finger in her mouth. Too cute!
I love that you embrace your
"busy-ness." We should enjoy each moment of this journey called life.
it looks gorgeous! isn't this your "good" time of year? Beautiful weather and all. I just need some sunshine and a cool breeze to enjoy my baseball (well, and a hotdog!)
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