Braden played catcher in the 1st and 3rd games. This is the middle game where he is at 2nd.

Miss W loves the ballpark. She asks me all the time to "go baseball"! It makes me remember when Santa brought Wesleigh a baseball glove the Christmas before she was home and Cade commented, "Santa must know what kind of family she's in". Someone bigger than Santa had a role in that one :)
Purple mouth from a snowball.

In between games, Wesleigh squeezed herself right next to Braden to relax with the boys. (Look at Braden's hand...he just finished catching a game.)

All the boys adore her. They are all so sweet to pay attention to her. She's giving knuckles to one of the boys. I love how "baby" is right beside her....always!

Center of attention....just the way she likes it!!

Tuesday, Bryce had his first "real" track meet. This is my first experience with track so I'm trying to figure it all out. It was alot of fun seeing all the different events. Cade had never seen a track meet either and he thought it was "beast" ;) I loved all the colors of spring with all the bright uniforms.

Bryce ran the 1600 (mile). He did great. I can't wait to see how he progresses from here! I love that he stepped out and signed up for track. It's been alot of work, but it's been great!

Not bad for his first race!!! So proud!!

Cade has a ball tournament this weekend, Bryce has Sea Cadets and Braden is getting to fish in a fishing rodeo. I'd better get that washing machine started!!!!!!!!!!!
So funny. Emma does the exact same thing. If the boys leave the house, she instantly asks if they are going to baseball. AND Brendan's entire All Stars (now travel ball) team LOVES her! So many of the parents have told me that they've asked to go to Russia to get a baby sister too! So sweet!
I can definitely remember times like this! I had 3 in sports at one time! I know our neighbors probably wondered what "strange activities" we did on the weekends! We would be gone before 8am and wouldnt return until dusk! We would load up our van with tons of coolers early in the morning and roll them out of the car late in the night! We would then sometimes have to carry sleeping kids in as well! I guess to the "unknowing eye", people w/lots of coolers and silhouettes of a "limp" human figures thrown across your shoulder...would cause suspicion!! Too funny...when I think about it now!
I just typed a really long comment only to have lost it somehow!! Aughhhh! So to summarize it all..."I so remember these fun times w/my kids" seeing these post brings back good memories...right on down to Wesleigh's little comment!
My little one use to say "we going GYM today" She thought "GYM" was a sport! Yes...that's just how much time we spent in a gym!
Looks like a busy Spring. I love the shot of W and Braden from the tops of their heads. SO CUTE!
Good that Bryce is giving tack a try. Looks like he did well!!!
ah...I miss those days...so cherish the moments and the stinky uniforms. My oldest is a high school baseball coach now, and every now and then that stinker stops by to shower, and I find a dirty uniform in the hamper, and it makes me smile :) Wesleigh is so cute with her baby and the boys :)
Lynette in Laf.
Wow- y'all are busy bees! But help a NY girl out...what on earth is a fish rodeo??
Can you believe it is already April? It seems the years are flying by.
So cute to see W with all of the boys and sports and feeling so comfortable....she will introduce her sister like a PRO!!!
Enjoy your busy weekend:)
I grew up with two brothers in Little League and I LOVED the ballpark too! Whats not to love? Sun shining? Check. Shade trees? Check. Comfy chair? Check. But the best part (besides running around with all the other little sisters) was the "snack shack"!!!! Snow cones, taffy, suckers, hot dogs, popcorn, juice boxes. Oh yeah, i loved the ballpark :)
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