I love this outfit!! The denim ruffles came from here. They are so cute. I can't wait to order more from her shop!! (they were very reasonable too!)

Putting lipstick on Grandpa!

Mama Bec and Grandpa

I have to say...the potty training might be getting the best of me! Ughhh!!!! I remember being frustrated with the boys too, but it's getting hard to keep up with it. I'm so tempted to put her back in diapers!! She will not tell me when she needs to go and has started having more accidents. I have kept her in panties because I really don't want to give up! It's so frustrating though! I know every parent goes through this, but it is starting to really stress me out. What do you think? Push through or give up and try later? I'm guessing we've been at it for about 3 weeks. Maybe I need to get new treats. The M&M's might not be as appealing now. Help!!
LOVE the outfit :) And I love that Grandma goes by Mama Bec. I might consider that for my grands. Mama Sara. Oh yeah. I"m gonna be hip, I can just see it now!
I have a friend who was up to HERE in potty training and she broke out the big guns (for her, it was Barbies) - what does Wesleigh like? Anything she would moon over? What about a big prize basket & for every good day she can pick something? Of course, you would have to constitute a "good" day & make sure that you kept her attention with whatever was in the basket.
hang in there, Jennifer!!
Haley pretty much potty trained herself but Justin was a little harder. M&M's stop working for us too so I made a weekly chart and taped it to the bathroom door and bought LOTS of stickers. It was "Justin's Potty Chart." Each time he went to the bathroom he got to choose a sticker to put on the chart for that day of the week. If he got X amount of stickers for the week he got to get a bigger treat like a small toy from walmart (hot wheels car...inexpensive things). It actually worked like a charm! Good luck!
So cute!!!!! Gotta love lipstick on men!
I'm not sure I'm ready for potty training again - hang in there - she'll get it when she's ready.
I tried the PT with Dallas and bought all the goodies to try with it. She just wasn't ready no matter how much I tried/bribed so I gave up and waited. Then one day she decided that it was time:))) Her reward was McDonald's chocolate chip cookies. I would buy them a dozen at a time!!! I will have to add that when we brought Dallas home at 13 months, she was already toilet trained. We made the decision to regress her back into diapers totally. I just didn't feel right with having her go to the bathroom on a schedule.
A D O R A B L E ! ! ! ! ! !
She is too adorable! Maybe she is not ready yet. When I potty trained my daughter she was right at two and it took me one month. You may want to try and wait just a bit. Good luck with whatever you decide.
I don't know what to tell you about the potty training except that sliding back stinks. Hang in there. She sure does look cute though!!!
Ugh! Potty training does stink! Literally!Lol! I have tried the bribery thing and it worked with my first,he really wanted a Barbie! Lol! For Addison it was because I did the goofy potty dance that we made up years ago! The goofier the better she loves it! She wasn't up for M&M's so I started being so goofy and singing and dancing everytime she did "it" in the potty and that seemed to work for us! Praying you are able to stick to it and not slide back to diapers :0)
P.S. love the ruffle pants!
i LOOOOOVE that outfit!!!!! probably one of the favorites that i've seen you post! but, wesleigh could wear a potato sack, and it would be adorable on her. :) it never ceases to amaze me that she keeps the headbands, flowers, and bows in her hair. mine just turned a year, and if she leaves a bow in for an hour, we're doing good. :(
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