I have talked about this China book I've been working on for so long that I thought I'd give you a peek at how it turned out. I am very happy with it and am so proud of myself for getting it done! Since I'm not good at taking indoor pics without a flash, we'll just pretend I was going for the "warm" feel in these pics ;)
This is the front cover.

Just a few of the 86 pages.

And the back cover.

Of course, I couldn't leave you without a Wesleigh pic. Here we go...the real deal... no piggys, bows or even pants!! This is how she came out of my room yesterday. SO girly!! She just makes me laugh. (Can you believe how long her hair has gotten in 8 months? I've even trimmed it twice!!)

Two seconds before this pic was taken, Cade was sitting in the chair beside her holding the other baby. Melt my heart!! He was playing babies with her and it was the sweetest thing ever. I wish he would have stayed in for the picture, but he knew it would have ended up here!

I've been asked how the potty training is going. I have totally chilled out about it and it seems to be going better. She's good about 80% of the time. She wears a pull up when we go out because an accident at that point might be a little more than I could handle ;) I know this weekend will be busy with very little focus on the potty. Hopefully we won't totally revert back!! I've decided life is too short to stress out so much over something that will take care of itself eventually. With Wesleigh's special need, I'm just thrilled to know that she can control her bladder/bowels. That is enough for me right now :)
Have a great weekend!
enjoy your weekend.
Your book is absolutely fabulous.
That book is awesome!!! I love the pic on the back cover. :) Have a great trip and enjoy the weather.
Oh goodness I love the book!! What site or company did you go through to get that done??!! signed-your jealous book envy friend, Sonia.
please share where you made the book....I have three girls from I need to make one for..
I'm just a couple of hours from Nashville, wish I was free so I could meet your cutie bug! We are filling out an application!!! Just starting our journey. Love the book, please share the company.
I'm just a couple of hours from Nashville, wish I was free so I could meet your cutie bug! We are filling out an application!!! Just starting our journey. Love the book, please share the company.
Have a great girls weekend!
The book looks like an amazing treasure! The back cover made me catch my breath...gorgeous!
Thanks for sharing - the book looks amazing! What a treasure! Have a great trip!
Wow Jen, you did a beautiful job on that book! I made Lexi's a while back and I just know these are things they will be so proud to share as they grow. Lexi already loves to look at hers. Have a wonderful time in Nashville!!! That picture of W kissing her baby is about the sweetest thing I've ever seen!!!! Hugs, Mary
Love the book! What a beautiful keepsake! The real question: How in the world did you narrow down the picture selection! You have so many good ones of Wesleigh that the task must have be painstakingly hard! :) However, the back cover of the book is one of my all time favorites! I remember this one so well!
Have a fun "girls trip." Your book looks amazing! I will have to start working on one for Miss Addison! I totally agree with you on the potty training...she'll get it eventually! So smart of you to celebrate what she is able to do.
What a beautiful gift you have given Wesleigh Jane by making this book. I know she will cherish it always. Just imagine how special she will feel when she reads it. Even though I've followed your story from the start, I can barely recognize WJ in those China pictures. She has changed so much. I hope you had several books made... one to read, one for you to save, and one to give to WJ when she leaves home.
I love her mop of hair. Are you growing out her bangs? So fun that she likes girly things and knows how to love her baby doll. Have a great trip!
Loving that book!!!!!!!!
So cute of her with the baby - I love moments like that.
Have a wonderful wonderful weekend!
I love your book. It looks amazing! My boys will play with Hannah with her dolls too. Although every once in a while the dolls seem to fly through the air. You can bet your bottom that Hannah then sends her baby flying too.
OMGosh Jen!!! The book looks GORGEOUS!!! I am so proud of you too..... I better get my act together for Sienna... I owe her a special book too!!!! Great job!
I hope you and Rachel had a fabulous time together!
I had wondered how your sweetie was doing potty training - I am with you - it's amazing that she has control and that is a big enough hurdle to cross! God brought the perfect parents for Wesleigh Jane and you will know when the time is right for all the milestones in her life!
And that lifebook? Amazing. You really put a lot of effort into it and have tempted me (if only briefly) to want to digitally scrapbook ;) What a beautiful gift you have given your daughter..
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