We are so loving the great weather we've been having here! We aren't supposed to be having such cool temperatures yet, but we're not complaining.
It's been fun to get out Wesleigh's new fall clothes. Everyday is like a fashion show. Hmmm....what can we wear today?!?

We also took advantage of the weather to take a trip to the zoo. We went with our adoption group from our church and had a good time. Look how close the tiger was to her!

Jill, I wanted to add this next one so you could see her backpack! Now that she is into Dora, she wears her backpack all the time!!

I finished my China scrapbook! I am so excited about it!! I am actually going to my consultant's house today to have her look over it one last time and then order it!! I cannot wait. It is going to be really big. It's 12x12 and 86 pages! I hope it turns out good.
Quite a few of you asked about Wesleigh's outfit in the last post. It is so funny that you commented about those leggings! I love them too, but I found them at a Dillards that is a clearance center here. The brand is Paper Dolls, so you might be able to find them. I paid almost nothing for them! The top is actually a dress from Gap that I brought with us to China. It's too short for her to wear as a dress, but makes a cute tunic. There are quite a few dresses from last winter that Wesleigh will not be wearing as tunics. I love that!
We're still in the potty training mode here. She does really good, but she will still have accidents if I don't ask her if she needs to potty. She's not telling me she needs to potty on a regular basis. I'm ready to be done with this stage! It's been about 2 weeks....how much longer? Anybody know? I'm too old and don't remember the details of the boys. I do know that she has been much easier than the boys, so I'm grateful!
What a cutie Wesleigh is and she sure is a fashion statement...such cute clothes mommy picks. Happy Fall:)
I know exactly how you feel about "reusing" those dresses as tunics :) Sometimes (shh!) I even SHOP the baby section for dresses to wear as tunics! Hey - whatever works!!
I, for one, LOVE the shoes in the first picture - where did you find those darling things?
I think you are closing in on being DONE potty training - just keep asking - it sounds like she is doing GREAT!! I wish we could see your China scrapbook!
I sware that TeaCup gets cuter every day!!! I love these pics of your Autumn girl. Why don't you jump on a plane where she can experience the real thing!!!!!
We would LOVE that!!!!
Miss you!
Geez! Do you have to live in the south to find such great girly clothes?!
LOVE them!!
Of course, Wesleigh is a cutie pie herself. : )
I think she gets cuter everyday!
I can't stand the CUTENESS...
Love the new fall outfits...
Oh my word....I for one love the fashion show! Keep the pics rollin!
So glad she likes her backpack!
Just wanted to tell you Macie thinks Wesleigh is just too cute and we even had to fix Macie's hair like Wesleigh's one day....it didn't last very long but I thought she looked too cute....I should have taken a pic....LOL
Maybe I will do it again just to take a pic for you! LOL
We are loving this weather too!!! What a treat huh? I think it puts everyone in a good mood!
Miss ya,
Jill :)
p.s. In that second pic....is Wesleigh doing the spider-man hand? LOL
A sure sign she has 3 big brothers!!!!
Love it!
I will be looking out for those duck feeding pictures!!! Make sure you pack Wesliegh friendly duck food just in case she ends up eating it like Lexi :) We soooo need those striped ruffles, and in pink too!! The Hammond Bay Perry ruffles just aren't as versatile! You must have been buying those before Miss W came home??? Wish I'd have done that!
I meet Miss Di and the gang in person nest weekend, So BLESSED! Have fun at the park and have a wonderful week!! Mary
Oh LOOK at HER! ...your sweet Wesleigh is just growing and changing so fast. What a CutiePie!! She gets prettier with every post. Good luck with the potty training...we're in the same stage with Khloe right now! ;)
Have a blessed weekend! <><
~ Tanya
How IS potty training going??
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