She also loves chickens. I know these aren't really chickens, but she didn't and she loved them!

Wesleigh and Rachel's youngest, Cooper. He took her down this slide a couple of times.

These are probably the only fall colors we will see all year!

Caitlin, Cooper and Wesleigh

Finding her pumpkin.

Making a new friend. These two were adorable. They stood there and "talked" for quite a while.

I can't believe that I didn't even get a picture of Rachel and myself. Oh well, just one of those things. We had a great time, but were very happy to get home. Wesleigh missed those brothers...and they missed her too! In the airport before we boarded the plane, we called home and Cade answered the phone. She was so excited to talk to him and started up their "baby" game all by herself. I wished I would have had a video camera because she was dying laughing and covering her mouth while she kept calling Cade a baby and he did the same. I'm going to have to try to get that on video very soon.
Seriously, that is way too much cuteness! Look at how sweet your Wesleigh is, and I am loving her MJC!
Seriously, that is way too much cuteness! Look at how sweet your Wesleigh is, and I am loving her MJC!
The perfect Pumpkin Patch outfit!!!! So fun that this is her first Halloween. (Sienna's too!!!) Can't wait to see your precious girl in that fun costume!!!
I love Wesleigh's fall colors! Are those squeaky shoes? I love the monogrammed clip again! Etsy? I am growing Mya's bangs out & need an alternative to the big ole bows! I need some clips! Help ;)
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