This is my nephew, Rylan. He is sitting in the big dumptruck we gave him for his birthday. The second I saw this picture, I immediately thought of another cutie pie:

This would be Bryce when he was about 18 months old. He absolutely loved this "big black truck". We lived in this dumpy little apartment, so he got to keep it inside. This is where he sat in the morning to drink his juice and watch his shows.
Your right that is two cutie pies. Love looking back at pictures it seems like they were so little just yesterday. I am having a hard time with Brady turning 9 it has made me so sad he isn't Mamas little baby.
Those pics are just precious!!
How friggin cute is that!!
Gotta love those dumpy apartment days! They bring back fond memories for me.
My first apartment was huge and the rent was $175.00 per month all included. Oh, and it was lake front!
Cute! I remember Bryce at that age. I love how the pictures go together. Both are cuties!
You have come a long way baby!!! Those apartment days are long over, thanks the Lord!!! I remember Bryce loving cars, and big red trucks. Wanna play roads, wanna play roads. Rylan seems to be following in his big cousins footsteps. Who would have ever thought coming from two differant families they could be so similar. We think we are so differant and then you seem something like this. Or maybe it truly was meant to be this way.
You are sooo correct...
Those are two adorable little boys...
Have a Great Weekend...
Two very cute little men! As for forgetting the birthdays, it never makes me mad when a friend forgets mine, and I always love a gift. I would still give the gift with a note stating you may have forgotten the date, but you could never forget the person!
oh isn't that something? Sweet sweet...
that makes quite the TV chair...
How do you keep yourself from kissing those adorable cheeks every minute of the day?
How do you keep yourself from kissing those adorable cheeks every minute of the day?
Uncanny...cars/trucks must be in the genes, not too mention an early understanding of who gets to control the remote.
Uncanny...cars/trucks must be in the genes, not too mention an early understanding of who gets to control the remote.
totally adorable! ;)
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