I know that
ALL of you can relate to this phenomenon: As soon as you wash the clothes, they get dirty again!!! I decided a couple of weeks ago that I was changing the way I attacked the laundry. I used to do a couple of loads every few days so I wouldn't have to do it all at once, but there was a problem. While washing the clothes does not bother me too much, picking everything up does. So I always had little piles of folded clothes all over the living room. I have now decided to do ALL the clothes in one day over the weekend. This takes longer to do the laundry, but we only have to pick up our clothes once (we all pick up our own clothes). Works for me. This new way, however, shows just how much laundry we go through in one week. I think this took 7 or 8 loads this week. The stack of khaki shorts alone cracks me up. 3 boys X 5 days = 15 pair of khaki shorts. Same for their school shirts. That doesn't even account for underwear, T shirts, football practice, etc., etc., etc...

Richard has actually run out of boxers on the last day of the week since I have been doing this. When he picked up his clothes, I told him he'd better count how many he had and ration them out! lol!!
I know you can all relate. I wanted proof of just how much it is. One day, it will only be Richard and me (so they say), I want to be able to remember what I used to do with my time!
Holy moly!!! I definitly can relate. My living room has looked like that MANY times and I only have two kids.
Good luck!!
I totally agree, do it all at once. Doing a little here or there throughout the week feels like it's never ending. The kids can certainly go through some clothes!!!
I feel your pain! I can't imagine doing it once a week...with 4 boys I do 1-2 loads a day just to keep up!
I am a every day or every other day laundry person. I could not sleep well if I had a load. Its the clean freak in me. I wash and dry them, Ryan folds and the kids put up. Ryan is the BEST folder. much better than mom.
WOW--- that is a lot of laundry! I do a little everyday but it seems like all I do is laundry sometimes:)
I just laugh when I read your blog. We are soul sisters, truly. Our lives are so alike! Look at that, it's crazy. Our pile is that big too.
I could NEVER do all the laundry all in one day. I have to do a little everyday and keep on top of it. But WOW.....
Yep, our piles are that big too!!Won't it be fun though to add in some girly pink clothes :)
Ugh - I hate laundry!!!! Jennifer, I saw your note on my blog. Ruby's Mom here... Let me know what your LID is. I know the wait is painful right now. Hang in there!!! One thing that helped me was counting my blessings while I waited. It was amazing all that we did, and the blessings and new friends that came our way while we waited for precious Ruby! You know in the end, that she will be worth the wait!!! Blessings to you, until that day!
We also do laundry one day a week on the weekend. I get it all through the washer and dryer, and then at some point start folding it while I am watching TV. It takes about an hour to fold it all, but I only have to do it once, instead of throughout the day.
that cracks me up ... i do that sometimes also ... i like doing it all in one day and putting it away, but sometimes i just don't have a whole day to do it and then i get behind ....
Ok, I won't complain anymore...I'll think of you! :D
I have yet to come up with a decent system. I'm really good at getting it done but getting it put away is a whole different story. laundry is gross and completely NEVERENDING. It never goes on vacation or takes a season off such as lawnmowing or snowplowing (see where I am going here?). Grrrrr....
I would suggest the boys start turning the boxers inside out. That way they get 2 days wear out of them! Lol. that's a lot of laundry. I do a load of whites, colours, towels, sheets, and believe it or not only 2-loads of baby clothes a week.
Wow...that is one massive load of lauddry....I can only imagine it has increased with boys back in school and out for sports!
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