He is such a little cutie pie. Braden has always been my cuddle bug. From the time he was born, he has loved to snuggle up next to someone he loves and "get cozy". I remember being so surprised that he was a boy. We hadn't found out, but I just knew he was a girl! I saw his parts before anyone said anything and thought, "No, that's not supposed to be there!" Of course, I wouldn't change a thing. He and Bryce are almost exactly 2 years apart and have been best buds from the beginning. Braden looks different than the other two. He is the spitting image of his dad when he was young. He also acts exactly like his dad. Anything dad likes to do, Braden is right there beside him. He loves to hunt, fish, play baseball, football, watch sport center. He is super smart in math, and is such a blessing to his teachers. He is such an important part of our family. Here are some pictures of Braden through the years:
Here he is playing with his Daddy. He's always been a Daddy's boy.

Here he is at 6 months, he was quite the chunk:

He's about 2 here with his best friend, his brother:

This is Richard's favorite picture, he was SO proud of these fish!:

Here he is during Western Day at Preschool. This is one of my favorites.:

Here's his kindergarten picture:

And here he is just a few months ago. This is one of my favorites. Dad was coaching him as he was catching (Dad's old position):

We are so proud of you, Braden. Happy Birthday! You make this a GREAT day!!
We love you!!!
Happy Birthday to your handsome son.
Happy Birthday Braden! He is so cute. I think there is something special about those "middle" boys. They are different than their brothers, and a little more like their Dads. Hope you have a great day together!
those are some great pictures. Truly.
What great memories. And moments! he is a total cutie. All of your boys are though. The girls are going to go wild when they get into high school... Err, hope that they wait that long!
Happy Birthday Braden! You are such a cuddly blessing to me! MawMaw
Happy Birthday Braden!!!
Happy 9th Birthday Braden!!!
Hope you have a great day, and year.
Happy Birthday Braden! Never forget you are one of a kind!
Your boys are adorable! You left me a sweet note on my blog and I appreciate it. I didn't so much mean that folks are intentially deceitful or anything, just that sometimes folks that are delightful in writing are not who I expected in real life. I know tons of folks who are soooo outgoing on the internet and soooo quiet in real life...just an interesting phenomenon...not that you asked or anything :) I hope your wait passes quickly for your little one....the waiting was so hard for me. God Bless you in the wait! Take Care.
Happy Birthday Braden!! Love all the gorgeous pictures!!
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