Braden was such a hard one to buy a birthday gift for this year. He is just so easy going that he really didn't have anything he wanted. At the last minute I picked up this little pool table for him and wrapped it up. Turns out, it's the best gift ever. It has sat right here on the coffee table since he opened it this weekend. They all play it every chance they get. And the best part: they haven't fought over it - not 1 time!

Yesterday, Braden came in the kitchen and said, "It's a good thing we have brothers, because I would get tired of playing this all by myself".
Cade: Yep, good thing, 2 of them.
Braden: Yeah, so if I get tired of playing with one, I can play with the other.
Now we know why God gave the Doughty's 3 boys: Braden needed a spare!!!
HA!! That's funny. And that pool table is a good idea. I always think, are my kids really THAT spoiled that even I can't think of anything to get them?
I just love how kids can reason anything out!
awww, God is good.
Awww gotta love brothers! They look so cute playing that little table.
That is so cute! What a great birthday gift. Don't you love it when you score big time on gifts they LOVE! What a way to keep the birthday spirit going.
So cute! I bet he won't mind when a little sis comes along, too.
That mini pool table is so cute.
Thanks for your sweet comments on my blogs.
Happy Friday,
I love what kids come up with! Too cute!
That is the cutest thing I have heard! You are so lucky that your boys get along and love one another.
That is a great gift idea, my kids love pool and we definitely don't have room for a large table.
Great gift, cute story! :D
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