We went to the LSU football game this weekend. We have had season ticket for the last few years, but this year we go some new seats. This is the view! They were awesome. The game didn't start until 8:15, so by half time, it was 10:30 and we were up 24-0. We decided to leave so we wouldn't be in all the traffic. My brother left at the end of the third quarter and it took him 2 hours to get home! Richard and I both went to LSU. He played baseball there. All of our parents went to LSU and his grandfather played basketball at LSU back in the 40's. Richard calls him Shaquile Doughty. Speaking of Shaquile, he was at the game. Check out his bus.
I don't know if you can see the painted side or not, but it is Shaq in the middle of all the "godfather" people. Only a little flamboyant! Shaq and I went to LSU at the same time. One semester, we had a class on the same hall. I would walk past him every day and try to see how much taller he was than me. I came up to about his elbow. No lie! He is HUGE.
Anyway, here's one more picture of the Braden and his tiger tattoo.
glad you had a great weekend. Love the tattoo.
Well, being a Michigander, we are big Michigan State fans, but I'll root for LSU if they aren't playing us!!
fun times! I heart college football!!!!
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