This was taken just moments after we arrived. Gracie was all about finding the dress-up clothes and everyone followed her lead. This might be my fav pic of the weekend even though it was on my phone :)

Ainsley and Wesleigh were inseparable. We're going to have to get Ainsley down south for part of the summer!!!

My girls fell in love with Mr. Handsome! Every time Gracie changed princess dresses (about 1,000 times a day) she had to come up and model it for him :)

My precious friend, Diana. I am so thankful that our journey of adoption brought the two of us together. One of God's unexpected blessings in my life!

We got to meet Miss Bella this trip too!

How cute are all of these kiddos?! China sisters who share a special history and bond.

Just had to add this funny! I will never complain about washing 2 heads of hair again :)

I have so many more pics to share. We were able to do some super fun things while we were there! Love you northern girls!!
aww so fun to see my favorite blogs connected! hehe so fun!
Yay! SO glad it was an awesome trip for you! We had a good time with the guys….but NOT THAT good a time!! ; )
Love you!
You guys are so lucky to have each other and it is So good for the girls to have that bond. Every single one of you are just beautiful!!
Oh two sweet friends! It is so good to see you two together!! Madeline is still determined to have her "china friends" come for her birthday haha!! I'm thrilled you all had such a great fun!
We are going to need a really big beach house for Madeline's birthday party!!!! :) LOVE looking back at our fun, hilarious, sweet, and special weekend!!!!! The North looks good on you girl!!!!
Love you ALL!
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