1000 posts to be exact!!!
This is my 1000th post on my little piece of the internet. I never knew, almost 6 years ago, that this blog would lead me where it has. I started it as a way to document our life, especially the journey we were beginning to our girl in China. Through it, I have met some of the most amazing women....some of which have become my dearest friends...one of which lead me directly to Gracie! It has also helped spread the miracle of adoption...for which I am truly humbled! I know that when I started reading blogs (back in the day), there were women who influenced me greatly on my quest to adopt a child from China. These women paved the way for me, and the fact that I've been that to others is such a tremendous blessing! Yay, God! Who knew that as I documented our crazy life, God would use that to bring other precious children home?!When I started this blog, Bryce was 10, Braden was 8 and Cade was 6. My brood is now 16, 14, 11, 4 and 4 :) I was going to go back and find some pics to share of the past 6 years but, quite honestly, I just don't have the time to spend on it right now :(
So...instead, I will share some pics of my two little princesses who have most certainly turned our lives upside down, for the better!
I pray they never stop dancing...

Thank you all for your support through the years. It is a true blessing to share my life with each of you!!
Now, please share yourself with me! Leave me a comment and let me know who you are! I have not been the best at visiting blogs in the past year, but I am going to get better!
my name is Carole Ann.... I think I have a LOT in common with you! I think you should have named Braden Hayden then we would have a whole lot more in common. I enjoy reading your life stories but I much prefer to hear you laugh in person because your laugh is like no others!
glad you are posting your 1,000 post!
I saw about your 1000th post on FB, & popped over to read the details. Love reading about your sweet family! Those 2 girls are precious. I love how your family's journey to them has influenced others to seek out adoption. How exciting!!!
Christie D.
I found your blog a year ago off of the pearl river website. We had found a little girl on there named harper whom my husband & I fell in love with... We actually talked through email a few times. Harper ended up not being the child God had for us, but we brought home our little China doll on September 7th! Thanks for sharing your life with so many!
Melissa- familywhitten.blogspot.com
I started following your blog just before you went to get Wesleigh. That was the time when we were just starting the process for our little girl. Now we have been home with our princess just over 15 months! Time goes so fast and I have enjoyed your journeys for both girls. Kim from Canada! :)
Yeah 1000th post!!!!! Thanks for being so sweet and answering all my adoption questions. We loved meeting you and can't wait for you to meet our girl!!!!!
I started reading your blog when you were in the process of adopting Wesleigh. We were just starting our journey of adoption when you traveled for her. We now have been home with our 3yr old princess for just over 15 months. Time goes so quickly and I have enjoyed following your journeys for both girls. Take care, Kim from Canada! :)
Wow!!! 1000th post!!! I love following your blog! Watching your family grow & seeing the Awesome bond the girls have now!! Gives me hope that Kati & Colin will eventually get there! Thanks for always sharing the good and the ugly!
Thanks for your sweet friendship!
Blessings, Lori
I love your blog! I also started following your blog when you were on your journey to Wesleigh. It is without fail that your blog always brings a smile to my face. The girls are simply adorable and my one wish is that we could see the video of their dance show last spring because I can only imagine how fun it would be to watch(I do understand the reason why!). My name is Shelley and I sort of live vicariously through you as I wish my dream of adopting could be fulfilled, but sadly my husband is just not on the same page! We have two great kids, a boy(14 yrs) and a girl(16 yrs) who we are letting them live their dreams. Our daughter currently attends a prep school in the U.S. where she plays hockey and our son has recently joined the air cadets and loves to play the bagpipes. Thank you for sharing your family with us through your blog.
Ontario, Canada
That's awesome Jen, congrats on 1000 posts!! Have no idea how we found each other but glad we did, I admire your family so much! I do remember emailing waaaay back when about our hubbies ....do you remember, hehee?! :)
Love your graceful dancers!!
My name is Shelby, and I'm 14. (almost 15) ;) God gave me a passion for Chinese adoption, and I have LOVED following your blog and your journey to Gracie!!
Congrats on 1000!!!! I have been following your blog for about a year now and LOVE it! Congrats again!
Hi! My name is Kelleyn. My husband and I just started the process to adopt from China. We are so excited. We have 4 beautiful children and want to share our home with someone who does not have a home to call theirs.
Following you along here in Arizona! Your two girls remind me, both in build and in personality, of our two little guys from China! Keep on blogging!
I have followed your blog since you went to get Wesleigh. A wonderful family you have...such a joy to watch your brood grow, just too fast.
I'm Susan! I have been a follower of yours ever since Wesleigh came to be a part of your family! I always enjoy reading about your family and seeing pictures! We have a sweet daughter from China, Lily, who we adopted in November 2010. I would love for you to follow my newly started blog! Yay for your 1000th post!
uhh.. Hello.. my name is LaKreshia.. & I'm a blog lurrrker... ;)
HAPPY 1000 POST! I enjoy reading up on your sweet family & I remember when the boys were much younger!! Time flies!
I started reading your blog shortly before y'all adopted Gracie :) I was led to yours because I read Diana's and she had said something about you adopting Gracie I think. And I read hers because of Stephanie's! :) haha. Such a long line of people, one leading to the next. But I'm adopted from china, my blog is from the point of view of an adopted child. I've been 16 as of Tuesday :) and I love reading about other families and their adopted children! Gracie and Wesleigh are adorable little girls! Can't wait until the day I get to meet them :)
I'm Cori, an RN working at a pediatrician's office. Single now, but hope to adopt from China someday!!
Seriously 1000. So thrilled that I too happened upon your blog and know you as a friend now!! Less than 2 weeks girl!!:)
Hello! I am Shelley from ND. I have been following your blog since you went China for Wesleigh. Thank you for allowing "us" to "watch" your children grow into the fabulous teens that I know they will become!I am a grandmother to 9 from the ages of 14 down to 3. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours....
Happy 1,000th post! I have been following along since before Gracie. Thank you for sharing your precious family with us!
Wow, 1000 posts - how fun :) I stumbled on your blog about a year ago and have enjoyed reading ever since. I've been encouraged reading about your adoption journey and what it's been like for you to have two little girls at home! My husband and I have a 2.5 year old bio daughter and are now waiting on our LOA (which could be arriving any day now!) for a 2 year old little girl in Henan province. Can't wait to get her home!
Howdy! Katlee from Tennessee (originally NY), happily married 38 year old woman with no kids, and honestly none coming. I ran across your blog I don't even remember how long ago (before you even thought of bring Gracie into your life, or at least before you started talking about it), and I've just been hooked. Such a wonderful family you have, and I take great joy in seeing these girls grow and flourish.
No one really understands why I love your blog so much (I've never had an interest in having kids and that hasn't changed), but I check every day to see how y'all are doing.
For myself, I just have a very ranty blog I don't do much with at thekatbox.net and my art/jewelry page that I'm redoing entirely at katleeshank.com.
Congrats on 1000 and I so look forward to continuing to share your family's journey. Would love to meet y'all, I can only imagine the energy that exists in your life!
Congrats on 1000 posts! I remember first coming to your blog from Diana's when you had just received your referral for Wesleigh:) Like you, I have found so much inspiration through bloggers - like you! It is amazing to see the connections that are made through blogland. My husband and I started our adoption journey earlier this year, but got a surprise a few months ago, so the plans have changed just a bit. It has been such a delight to watch your family grow!
Blessings, Ashley
As you know, your blog has been a huge inspiration to me. You have a beautiful family, and seeing your girls thrive in their family is a wonderful testament to adoption. Thanks for paving the way for those of us following in your footsteps. Look forward to seeing how you handle
The teenage drama so I can take notes! Great job with your blog.
Congrats on your 1000th post! I remember first coming over (I think from Diana's blog) when you had just gotten your referral for Wesleigh. Like you did - I have found so much inspiration through adoptive moms I have found through blog land(like you)! My husband and I started our adoption journey earlier this year, but a few months ago had a little surprise and have changed our path just a bit. It has been such an honor and delight to watch your family grow!
Blessings, Ashley
Your posts always make me smile...and alot of times laugh out loud...I especially love how you keep it real. Blessings and here's to hopefully 1,000 more posts of your beautiful family :)
Congrats on #1000!!!!
Love you!!!!
My name is Courtney and I am from Ohio. I can't remember how I came across your blog, but it was when you were adopting Weshleigh. I remember this tiny little girl in China with big bows. You are blessed with a wonderful family.
This is amazing 1000 entries. I love your blog and started following before Wesleigh. It has been a great journey to follow and love your faith for God. I've never commented before but feel you are my friend. I don't blog since I'm a grandma but you can visit my daughter's photography blog at www.erikasnow.com. I know this is quite a commitment but thank-you for sharing your families life. God Bless all of You!
Congratulations! That's pretty impressive.
I'm Luciana, have been following your blog and a few others. I lover your stories and it's easy to start caring about the families.
We're expats living in China. We just came in August. We were previously living in Abu Dhabi for 3 years. We have a sweet and sassy bio 3 year old daughter. Planning on adopting sooner rather than later ;) I currently volunteer at an orphanage and am fulfilling myself in doing so.
My blog is a baby compared to yours and I so need to get better at it. But please come check it out.
Excited for your 1000th post! I love your little dancers pictures, they are so cute.
I was blessed to meet you and share our adoption journey in China together!
Blessings to you friend!
I am also a mom to 2 Chinese princesses and 2 wonderful bio kids. We have been so blessed by adoption. Thank you for sharing your family!
I've been following your blog since before you brought Gracie home. I'm not sure how I found your blog...I'm sure it was through either 3Peanuts or Ruby/Pearl. I've been lucky enough to bring two babies home but long to adopt from China.
Your Gracie reminds me SO much of my daughter. I'm not sure if mine makes me feel old or keeps me young :)
I have enjoyed following your blog since you adopted Gracie. I also have 3 bio boys and 2 adopted girls. I must say that the day I felt I had met a kindred spirit was the day you wrote, and photographed, your sock basket. I was squealing with delight because I have one too!
I don't even remember now how I came across your blog, but I have been a follower for a while now. Love reading about your family and following along. We have 2 children adopted from China (boy and girl), 2 bio children and we are in the process of bringing our son home from Ethiopia right now. Congrats on your 1000th post!
Hi! It's me SNEKCIP and I hail from TEXAS! I'm mother to a 31,27,25,23 and our newly 5 yr old adopted daughter. I found your blog via Diane's blog (First a Pearl, then 3rubies). I have enjoyed following your journey to Wesleigh, then your journey to Gracie Joy. I still say to this day, that Gracie and my Brejanae are two of a kind in every way!!
It truly has been a pleasure following your family and watching those handsome guys of yours grow into fine young men as well as watching your beautiful girls mature and grow with your family.
I come here OFTEN..okay DAILY (even though "comment moderation" gives me THE BLUES)... for laughter, photo's and fellowship with another WONDERFUL "adoptive mom".
Happy 1000th post and looking forward to following the NEXT 1000!!
Ok...let me see if I can squint and figure out what these squiggly words and smeared numbers are on this COMMENT MODERATION so I can tet this to go thru. I seriously act like I CRACKED THE SAFE WHEN IT goes thru!! Ha!!!
Congrats Jen on your 1000th post and here's to another 1000+!! I imagine I'll be checking your blog regularly through the girl's elementary, junior high, high school, college, and marriage years...oh, and your "grandbaby years" too. Thanks for the many days your blog has brightened my day.
Don't remember how I first found your blog, but sure enjoy following along! We have 4 bio boys and a daughter we adopted from Jiangxi four years ago. :)
Congrats on your 1000 post!
Happy 1,000th post! And thank you for sharing your beautiful life and children with us! I just started following your blog a year ago...my elementary school friend (your sister in law) got me started on it and I just can't stay away! I went back to the very beginning and have read every one of those 1,000 posts! Seriously, I LOVE how you write and LOVE LOVE LOVE your pictures! Here's to the next 1,000 posts!
Jennifer, what a pleasure it was to watch you grow up and now to get to watch your children grow up. I have so many fond memories of you when you were younger and then when you kept my children as babies. Trent and I are so proud to watch (through your blog) you and Richard creating such special memories with your family. Keep up the great work keeping Jesus first in your family.
Mary Pat
Pretending my life is just normal tonight and popping on a few blogs after posting to mine :)
Ahhh it feels good to do this and to see/read a post from one of my favorite china mommies! Happy 1000!
Tera here in Indiana. I started following when you were in China for Wesleigh. I love how down to earth your family is and love to see/hear about your girls. (I also secretly wish I had your kitchen!) We are so thankful for our Brielle from Jiangxi and can't wait for our next referral!
Happy 1000th post! I'm not great at leaving comments but I read every time you post. Your family is precious!
I have been reading your blog since you brought Wesleigh home :) I have been to China six times, 5 of those trips to New Day Foster Home. I hope to be an adoptive momma in the future! I often refer people to your blog when they are thinking about bringing home an "older" child or virtual twinning. I always appreciate your honesty and think you have a wonderful family! Congratulations on 1,000 posts!!!
Hi! I'm Kristin. I can't remember how or when I found you, but my son is from the same orphanage as your sweet Wesleigh. I just love seeing the updates on your family and read every post.
I'm Amy from Ohio. I can't remember how exactly I came across your blog, but I've followed since just before your journey to Gracie. I love following along! You have an absolutely beautiful family & (from what I can tell) a beautiful spirit. Congrats on making it to 1000! I look forward to reading every update you're willing to share!! :)
We adopted from China in 2011- a little boy from Shanghai. I have a blog as well, but have had to temporarily abandon it (I'm in school full-time & something had to give when I started my clinical rotation). www.babybellylaughs.blogspot.com
I started reading your blog after I found out you were going to be Grace's mom. I was one of Grace's sponsors while she was in PRO. I al so happy to see her doing so well.
I have so enjoyed your blog. We were LID 2006 came home from China in 2009 with our precious 12 month old. Now are waiting for # 2 through the waiting child program. I have been folowing your blog for years now. Kelly
Congratulations on your 1000th post! I believe I first found your blog through Diana's, but I'm not sure. It's been quite awhile ago...maybe around the time you got Wesleigh. I live in KY and have three daughters -- an 8 1/2 year old (China), a 4 1/2 year old (Vietnam), and a 3 year old (China). We have just been home for two months with our three year old. I only blog before, during, and shortly after our adoption trips because when maternity leave is over, I go back to my other life where I'm a principal. I love to read blogs in the evenings, but just can't seem to keep one up myself. You can read about the adoption we just completed at: www.adoptionjourney3.wordpress.com . :)
I'm a reader and fan of ur blog. Unfortunately, my blog is not public but if ur interested, I can email u an invite. Or u can send me a FB friend request!! I would love to share my pics of my little 8 year old angel with you :)
I don't know how I found your blog...but a few years ago I emailed you asking about your brick floors, when we were in the process of installing ours. From that I became of fan, and have enjoyed both your journeys to China and the journey it has taken you and your family..what a blessing!
Lynette in Laf.
hi, I've been reading since just after you came home with Wesleigh. I can't remember how I stumbled across you. We live in Sydney Australia and have a bio 11 yr old son and a 4.5 yr old daughter from Leping, China. We came home together in Oct 2009. Congratulations on 1000 posts!
I'm Daisy. I started following your blog when you posted in the Huaian Yahoo group, our youngest is from the same SWI as Wesleigh. I've been reading ever since. Then Gracie came along and she appears to have the same personality as our Leah. NEVER A DULL MOMENT IN MY HOUSE! Can't imagine loving a child more, but just as you put it in one of your post, she certainly put the "crazy" in our house! I love reading about the dynamics of the two of your littles. Conngrats on your 1000th post!
Hi! I'm Paula from Canada. I think I discovered your blog through First A Pearl...a few months back when rooting for Ivy Joy. Started reading and now I'm hooked! Mom to a now 22 month old cutie. We've been home for just over ten months. Love, love, love the pics and videos of your girls dancing. Although I have no intention of rushing anything and am enjoying each moment as it comes, I'm looking forward to when my daughter is old enough for dance class. We already have tickets to a children's version of The Nutcracker in December. Fun!
Congrats on your 1000 post. I have been reading since almost the beginning I think. I was on the journey to adopt from China, but the wait was just too long. (based on my LID 12/25/06 I would still be waiting. My son, who is Asian, was adopted domestically. We did up going domestic for our 2nd as well after a long wait. My son is 8 and my daughter is 2. I love your blog.
Congratulations! I started reading your blog this summer when we started our adoption journey and I can't remember exactly how I found yours. We have two bio sons and are in the middle of getting our dossier authenticated and submitting LOI for a 2 year old little boy from China. I've been blogging for years but just started shared this week about our adoption journey - allenfamadventures.com
Hey girl congrats on 1000 posts! I found you from your comments on my blog years and years and years ago. So glad the blogging and adoption worlds brought us together!!! I really treasure your friendship. The girls look darling:)
I do agree with snekcip though--I have such problems commenting because of the word verification. I can't ever get it and often give up.
Congratulations on your blog milestone! I love reading your blog - I found it somehow this summer when we started our adoption journey. We have two bio sons (8 and 4) and we are in the middle of authenticating our dossier and submitting LOI for a little 2 year old boy from China. I've been blogging for several years but just shared this week about our adoption journey - allenfamadventures.com
Congrats on your 1000 post! We have visited your blog but same as you, there is never enough time to really catch up on all the blogs we used to follow beginning in 2005; we learned so much from everyone too! We have 2000+ posts and keep going as it is now made into my annual family photo book. You have a great family and love to see you loving life!
Alyzabeth's Mommy
LID 01/27/2006
Referral Day 08/11/2008
Forever Family Day 09/16/2008
I am so excited to be #60 here commenting on the gift of you!!!!! I don't remember the day, but I do remember the phone call that started our special friendship.. That call was about a sweet little girl standing by a wall.. Tea Cup to me... That took us down a road that bonded us forever... As if that was not enough, God prompted me to ask you for some help with PRO... I innocently sent you some pictures for announcements.. God used that little act of kindness on your behalf to help me, to put Gracie Joy on your heart... I love that!!! We missed each other in China by just days.. Which broke both of our hearts.. But, you were my midnight call when I had my pig tailed baby girl on my lap in Nanjing... Blessed by Skype to get my first glimpse of GJ with you in China.. We have traveled to China and back many times... Talking about everything, and nothing all in the same conversation!!! I look forward to it everyday!! Soon you will be here, and we will have more to laugh about!!!! And, then possibly the trip of a lifetime together... So thankful for how God wove our friendship together in such a special way... And, so very thankful for you my friend!
Love ya,
Hi there - I am Rochelle from WI. Congrats on your 1000th blog post! I have thoroughly enjoyed watching your children grow up and your family expand. We have 3 children: 2 boys (homegrown) and 1 daughter from Datong, China who was adopted in March of 2005. We've also been waiting for another NSN adoption since April 2007. Thank you for sharing your life with us! Have a blessed holiday season! Hugs, Rochelle :)
You know I'll always be thankful to you and your blogs for leading me to our precious Molly! You're such an inspiration and I love your sweet family! XOXO
I've been reading since you brought Wesleigh home!
I used to nanny for two little girls who were adopted from China. So precious.
I love your blog - you have some great kids!
I live in Ontario, Canada and I'm currently in my first years of my masters of occupational therapy.
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