These are the sweet moments that make me take pause and thank God that He lead us to adopt Gracie... So the two of them would have each other...."bess fwiends and sissers" forever.
Ariel reading a story to Tinkerbell and friends: Wesleigh even had to excuse herself for a little while because one of her babies was crying :)

Taking turns...

The sweetest little fairy around :)

I just love seeing these two together. I feel that my two will have the same kind of relationship and that is such a blessing! Can not wait to get the four of them together. What a day that will be!!!
Miss you guys!!
Dawn & Cole
Precious!!!! I always told my big girls you better not say too much you will regret because someday she will be your best friend:) and they are!
So sweet!
PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love TeaCup's expression when Ariel is reading to her!!! So Sweet!!!!
It has been a blessing and an education for me about sisters to have seen with my own eyes these two becoming "sissers". Honestly, adoption in our family and others has been opened up a whole new understanding of the love that is in this world only because "He first loved us."
Keep talking like this and you'll have us back over in China for baby girl #2!!...:) They seem like the bestest of friends and always will be. I love it!
Hi there,
My name is Jeannie and we have 3 boys and a little Kazak/kyrgyz girl from Russia, we are now starting the process of adopting in China for a little sister. I grew up with a sister and your blog reminded me of how important that was for me and my life, as well as the blessings that we share as sisters-we are apart of eachother. When I see your girls I see my sister and I. Therefore, you have shown me, that it only makes sense to adopt again for many reasons. The sister reason, is the whip cream and cherry on top of it all! Keep up the great work! Blessings xox.
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