The girls, once again, had snack day (I signed up for everything in the beginning).

I, once again, relied on Pintrest to give me some good ideas. I had to weed through all the "over-achiever, first time pre-school mommy" ideas and find one that would be cute, quick and easy :) This is what I decided on:

This is what they turned out like in real life:

I didn't have time to find the cute sprinkles, but I think I did pretty good :) and the girls loved sharing their tee-pees with the class.
We spread the joy this month by supporting Team Ivy :)

I got a call from Bryce after school that said they needed a place for quintet practice. This is what I came home to:

Gymnastics has become the norm in this house. I find them doing this all over the house! And, yes...Gracie is always in her underwear!! That's just how she rolls :)

That's about all from November...well all that has been uploaded from the camera so far!
My big November news is that I leave on Thursday for a "mommy weekend"! I am thrilled to be traveling to the frozen tundra of Minnesota (hey...beggers can't be choosers!) to visit my very special BFF. I also will be meeting another super fun, new friend, Paige, for the first time! Don't you just love adoption and blogs?? I sure do!! My plane makes a stop and picks Paige up on the way! CANNOT WAIT!!