You get the REAL story!! lol... I cannot stop laughing at this. Why do I always have this beautiful, loving picture in my mind of how family portraits will go? Because those are the only portraits you see...the ones that turned out, or that someone switched enough heads on it that it appears everyone is happy at the same time!! I worked SO hard on outfits, etc for over a week. I scoured pintrest for posing ideas that would work for a family of 7. I think that's what did me in. I saw all these beautiful smiling families who were so happy, just to be spending time together. HAHAHAHAHA!! Yeah, right! I'm pretty sure there was a moment similar to this one at somepoint during each of those shoots!!
You can see how concerned everyone is that I'm upset, can't you?...dang football is still being tossed around!!
I do think, however, that we captured some keepers! I will share those later!!
Makes me laugh out loud!!!! I can't even make myself schedule a session!!
J is having her picc line put in now. I LOVE Cincy staff. They let her keep her clothes on until they put her to sleep because she refused to put the gown on, wondering how the rest of the day will go:)
I remember how BEAUTIFUL the last set of family portraits turned out. Can't wait to see these!! Nice to have Gracie in the mix.
So funny!! But I do LOVE your outfit!! Can't wait to see the other photos!
This made me totally crack up, how I relate...
Can't wait to see the keepers!
Love it Jennifer!!!!!!! That is how I feel with family pics. LOL Was looking this morning at poses and cards. :)
LOVE it and so glad it is not just me that looks like that during photo shoots;)
You look Great no matter what your facial expression is!
Can't wait to see the rest! Love you top! Where
did you find it? Not looking forward to family pics
with a 2 year old...lol
HA!!! I thought that was me in that picture for a minute!! It was so great I had to show Trent, and he said, "That's hilarious." And he was serious.
I know he was because he couldn't take his eyes off the picture and usually he only glances.
I miss talking to you!!! When are you going to call me??? Because you know I don't know how to use a phone!!
Ok.. I'll just sit here by the phone and wait.
Love you.
Well..... You know this just makes me LOL!!!! A picture tells a thousand words, frustrations, emotions, and fun times!!!!
Why are family photos so darn frustrating!!!?
You look amazing regardless of what you are fuming about!!!
let's just say that the one time i've tried for the Christmas card photo this year, all 3 of my children and myself ended up in tears and yelling and red puffy eyes. it was ugly!!!
At least you can yell at them and have them understand! With 3 dogs and 3 cats we don't even try for a 'family portrait'! heh
You made my day!!! Glad to see I'm not the only crazy one during family pics!!.. LOL I'm sure the rest turned out great:) love ya!
You made my day!!! Glad to see I'm not the only crazy one during family pics!!.. LOL I'm sure the rest turned out great:) love ya!
You made my day!!! Glad to see I'm not the only crazy one during family pics!!.. LOL I'm sure the rest turned out great:) love ya!
Thank you JENNIFER for being REAL!
This looks like ALL of my family photo shoots! ;)
I just love this picture. It is so REAL and most people can definitely relate. This picture just makes the rest of us feel normal after having photo envy of your gorgeous kids who just seem to smile perfectly when the camera is pointed their way. Was Gracie up a tree before the last photo was taken? LOL I will attempt my first family photo with Miss S for my Christmas card this year. Will be interesting with an infant. Can't wait to see the rest of this shoot.
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