Band festivals have become one of my favorite things! I love seeing the different bands perform their shows. I think one reason might be that it's something I could have never done. I think I would have tripped over my own feet the entire time. The girls love it too. They become restless in between bands, but once they start playing, they are mesmerized!
I have more pics to share, but thought I'd post these quickly. I love them :)

I love them, too! Your boys are so sweet with their little sisters How wonderful that the girls are mesmerized by the band shows. (That music is way too jarring for me... lol.)
Oh my goodness, that first picture will make anyone smile!
Now you talking MY LANGUAGE!!!
Being a FORMER BAND STUDENT(clarinet) ,I enjoyed learning great marching techniques!! The local HS where my sister (who is 10yrs my senior) attended was basically in our backyards. I remember watching thru the fence as my sister who ALSO played the clarinet practice hours on end. Yes, I was that same MESMERIZED kid. I can remember on GAME NIGHTS watching her put on her band uniform and how I was in awe of all the shiny buttons and details. I was so excited to watch her on the field.
It always baffled me as to HOW they didn't run into each other!! LOL!!! I couldn't wait until MIDDLE SCHOOL to join BAND!! By the time that time came around my sister's OLD CLARINET was none "worse for the wear" and Momma bought me a 2nd hand Clarinet! Oh boy the JOY IN THIS
6th graders heart!!!
What a memorable moment, opening that the clarinet case and being smitten b the velvet ELECTRIC BLUE interior encasing the sleekest, shiniest black instrument w/silver keys EVER!!!!
This past weekend I watch a spectacular half-time performance by a local band. To this day I still sit MESMERIZED by the band and it often brings me back to the days of band practice and learning all the pivoting,timing and strides it takes to PULL OFF EXPERTISE MARCHING. Throw in learning to "read music", PLAYING AN INSTRUMENT and using a LOT OF PERIPHERAL VISION, then YES...it's a great talent that CAN BE LEARNED if one is willing to put in the hardwork. Halftime is an important part of a game as the game itself. I like to give the band students as much respect as the football players. They work just as hard on the field as the football players. As a band participant you REALLY appreciate the effort that goes forth ESPECIALLY when you attend MARCHING CONTEST. You are up against the BEST OF THE BEST. Straight lines, Sharp pivoting, even down to CLEAN SHOES/UNIFORMS are judged. To walk away with a (One-1) during contest makes it all worth the HOT, LONG DAYS of bandpractice.
Thanks for a walk back down memory lane. Bryce looks HANDSOME in his bandsuit and off course Ms Wesleigh is ROCKING that band hat!!
Sidenote w/Trivia: When the local HS closed its doors my JUNIOR year, we were heartbroken, as a GIFT TO THE "NEW SENIOR CLASS" band students, we were each given the OLD BAND SUITS from the "now defunct school". In other words, the SAME BANDSUIT I watched my sister dress in, the SAME bandsuit (including the hat) that I also got a chance to wear, was now FOREVER MINE!! To say I was elated is an understatement, Guess what, I guess I wasn't the ONLY one elated! Darn Moths in my attic!! They nibbled that bandsuit almost to the width of my clarinet!! 0_o
Oh I LOVE the first pic especially!!! Bryce looks so grown up and happy!
SO CUTE!!! Love these photos!!!
Love ya,
What a sweet photo!
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