Not exactly a word you are usually happy to hear coming out of your toddler's mouth. In my case, however, every time Wesleigh says it (alot), it gives me the warm fuzzies. To Wesleigh, the boys are not "the boys", they are "my boys". Her sister is "my sisser". She talks constantly about "my boys", "my sisser", "my daddy", "my paw paw", etc. The warm fuzzies come from the fact that for the first two years of her life, there was nothing in Wesleigh's life that was "mine". No boys, no daddy, no mommy, no "sisser", no clothes of her own, no toys of her own...nothing. Wesleigh truly loves her life, and everyone in it. The thought that she could still be in an orphanage without any of this is more than I can truly comprehend.
How many children wait and dream of being able to use the word "mine"??
When the thought of going back to China for Gracie first came up (she was SO not in "the plan"), this is what I told Richard, "I don't know if we are supposed to go back to China. I don't even know if I want to. But I know this, if she is ours, we can't leave her in China!". She was "mine". I do not believe that everyone in this world is called to adopt, but I do believe you should examine your heart and make sure you do not have a child waiting for you to call him/her "mine".
This is a beautiful picture of God's love when we obey!!!! You and I both know it's not all easy.. In fact there are days where it is darn hard... But isn't that how God feels about us every day too... But how blessed are we that He calls us "Mine!" And how awesome is it that you get to say, Teacup and GJ are "Mine!" That they are. They were born to be!!!
Love you,
beautiful, meaningful post!
So very thankful for "mine" too!! Sometimes you just know:) I have a feeling Janie is going to feel alot like Wesleigh. In fact the other day she made a face and reminded me of Wesleigh a little!!
Oh my goodness, beautifully said!!!! Love this post! Adoption is such a blessing, easy not so much... I think God's greatest gifts and blessings are not so easy. Thanks for this post :)
beautifully said... I am so thankful for our "chosen," ones the Lord already called "mine" before we had any idea!
Recently I was struck by "what we would have missed" if we had not listened and followed God in his calling to return to China...
Blessings friend,
So Awesome to see your love for your girls and what a blessing to give a beautiful picture of adoption to people. We feel so honored to be here with our little one. She is blessing our lives already and teaching us Christ's love. Joe thinks about the other children in her orphanage waiting for a family. Brings tears to our eyes.
What a beautiful and poignant post Jennifer. I have been reflecting on China a lot the last few weeks, and I am continually staring at Reagan in amazement.... Her life would have been so much different had she remained there....and so would ours. She was the missing piece to our family, and we had to travel halfway around the world to find her. She completes us!! We are all so very blessed by these amazing children.
An amazing post and reminder of the importance of obedience to our Lord. Wow! What we could miss out on not knowing these precious girls! Thanks so much for sharing their/your lives with us!
I SO have a "mine". She is the perfect daughter for us in every way. I feel the call again (this time to China - the first call was to Kazakhstan). Trying to heed it by selling on craigslist everything that is not nailed down in the house! $2,000 so much more to go. Pray for me.
Such a precious post!! There is something so special about your Wesleigh- love how God is using her sweet life!!
Love this! It's hard to imagine what would've been if you hadn't listened to the call. And think of all the other lives that have been impacted because of your obedience. (ours for one). So glad you were obedient:))
There is nothing sweeter than "Mine" coming from a child living her forever~ precious photo of the girls!!! Blessings and love! XO
Totally and completely agree!! While I have not had much difficulty with the adoption of Caroline, I have been waiting for over five years to even send in my has been as painful a battle as any. But when I've been at my most discouraged moments, I've had those same thoughts. If we have another baby girl in matter how long I have to wait...we have to bring her home! I loved this post. Thanks for sharing!
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