I got my new toy yesterday!! It's a new lens for my camera. It's a 70-200 f/2.8. It is huge and heavy, but I am so excited about it!! This will be a perfect lens for the girls dance recital in a few months and also for sports...especially in low light. SO excited!! So...of course I had to go try it out yesterday with the girls. It happened to be beautiful weather and the girls were actually very agreeable. I think they were just happy to be outside too. Here are my favorites:

These secret pics turned out so cute! They are still not good at both looking at the camera, so I'm trying to come up with things they can do while I still get a cute pic.

This is my favorite of the day. Our azaleas are blooming and are gorgeous.

And here's the bribe that made it all possible :) We walked around the golf course finding new spots to take some pics and then we'd meander back to the water cooler. That's a small price to pay :)

I also tried some shots I've been wanting to try for a long time. What do you think? I like them because it's something totally different from anything I have. It's not exactly what I was going for, but I love the silhouettes! I'm going to make the boys come out there with us and take all 5 of them in silhouette.

O M G!!! Soooo cute!
These pictures made me smile this morning-those two are just adorable!
Ontario, Canada
Absolutely LOVE the last photo. Precious.
I instantly thought the pictures looked fabulous before even reading about your new lens.
Congratulations on your awesome new toy!
I love that lens- when I pull it out at my boys lacrosse games everyone stares at me! Love the last shots :)
When I was a little girl, my dad would take me on golf dates. We played this weird kind of golf where somehow I always won. But the water cooler was ALWAYS my favorite part (he wouldn't let me drive the cart).
Ok I'm LOVING the silhouette pictures!!! Awesome job!!!
Beautiful pictures of your girls. I LOVE silhouette pictures, in the spring I love to take the kids out to a friend's ranch and take pictures of them walking along the road at sunset!
Enjoy your new lens- I have a similar one and I love it!
They are so stickin cute!!!!!!! You did great on the pics. Wish we lived closer I would have you to take our pics. LOL!!!!!!
Adorable as always!!! You are very talented :)
Love them! How did you do the silhouettes? Do you like the lens - is it too heavy?
Absolutely adorable!! Love the secret pics and the silhouette pics. You are so talented! Your girls are going to treasure these pics when they are older.
Oh my goodness, these are just beautiful!! Will you take some for me????haha!
Just found out that we did not get Sam in Changsha, oh well!!!!
Happy March!!!! YAY!! And, congrats on your new lens! Living vicariously through you for that!!!! I think the photos are so sweet!!! I just love the relationship that has formed so beautifully in these two precious sisters!!!! And, the silhouettes are so cool!!!! Great job!
Beautiful photos! Love the silhouette shots especially! Your girls are simply adorable!
Wow girl! These pics are amazing!!!! Love the ones of them telling each other secrets...they are precious!
Hi! I've been reading your blog and a few other adoption blogs for a while now. Those silhouettes of your girls are beautiful. You've got a lovely family and I adore your blog! :)
these two are so sweet together. You captured it beautifully!
I think the silhouettes are just beautiful! I especially love the last one.
Jen - the silhouette pictures are AMAZING and very frameable!!! I agree, you need to get the boys out there too!!!!
Your girls make me smile! They are just too cute for words and their clothes are adorable! Aren't frilly bows and dresses so much fun?
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