There was a teepee set up with an Indian there who showed the kids all kinds of items the Indians used.

We were all sitting inside the teepee. This man was so cute and good with the kids. He made a fire with a flint.

Musical chairs...where the chairs don't move :) Their teacher decided to try taking a chair away and Gracie ended up being on the one without a chair (only because she found something else in the room to look at). We all cheered for her like she had won, but she knew better than that. Her classic "HEEYYY!" was pretty funny, and they added the chair back :) Her bangs are almost grown out! I use a barrette to hold them back but they still fall in her face. I can't wait until they're grown!!!

Western dancing. I don't remember the song, but they were showing their muscles.

They both love their teacher, and she is amazing with them. She has been especially patient and creative as Gracie has learned English this school year.

Riding stick horses.

Looking for the needles in the haystack :) How cute is this? They have this huge pile of shredded paper and put about 20 plastic needles in it. The kids are supposed to find them. It is not easy...but so fun!

It is always so much fun to sit back and watch the differences in the girls. Sometimes, it's exactly what I expect and sometimes they surprise me. The stick horses were especially funny. Wesleigh gallopped exactly as they had practiced, but the gallop was just a little too slow for Gracie. Although she is more coordinated and could probably do it better, she didn't have the patience and just ran instead.