So...I decided to have a virtual show for these amazing clothes!! I love every single item in their spring line. Follow this link to see their spring line and be able to order directly from the company!! (the link automatically puts you in my show)

If you order $150 or more before May 6, there is a flat shipping rate of $5. Also, they just released a new collection Friday!! These items are on pre-order and will be shipped in 3 weeks. So cute!!! I hope you love this line as much as I do!!
The show will be open for 10 days! Happy Shopping!!!
cute. I will take a look. How will they know we are ordering through you:)
just ordered the cutest outfit!! I have never heard of this company, so keep me posted when you have another show! any word on loa yet??? Still waiting for my home study approval, Diedre has had it since last tues ugggggg. I'm just praying for God's will and trying to be patient!
I loved her outfit! I could buy everything on that site! Is it bad that I want to go crazy shopping for my little girl and we're not even logged in yet??;)
Oh my! Wesleigh could pull off anything, but these clothes really ARE darling!!
Cute clothes, maybe Im blind but I dont see their sizing info anywhere?? Wondering what measurements were for the different sizes! thanks.
Send me a message on FB!
Dang!!!.. How am I NOT going to go shopping...
I hope they take Amex!! That photo of TeaCup is PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!
Sorry I missed you today. CRAZY start to what I think will be a very crazy week!!! And, Jeff is gone.. UGH...
I am with you in praying for Weather Mercy over here.. Seriously, you know me.. I am OVER IT!!!!
Enjoy the sunshine!
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