It's hard to see how things are going to come together when you're walking through them, but equally amazing to look back and see the hand of God.
Today, at this point in our journey, finances are tough (like they are for many). If going to China again was my agenda, I might be a little worried. I know, though, beyond a shadow of a doubt that this journey was orchestrated by God. There is no way I could have made it happen like it did. Because of this truth, I am not nervous. I simply believe that since this is a "God journey", then he will work out the details.
Being asked to shoot that video for our church was a confirmation of that to me. It was food for the soul to sit with Richard and both of us share from our hearts..."why". We both know how the other feels...we've had thousands of conversations, but you kind of move past that after a while. It was really great to remind ourselves why we are on this journey and how sweet it is!
As of this morning, the video has close to 3,000 hits!! It has been spread on facebook by people I don't even know! That thrills me! I am honored to be used by God to further the cause of caring for and adopting the orphan.
And because no post would be complete without some are a few, taken a while back of Princess Wesleigh and her "baby":

Love this post! I can definitely relate to it on a personal level.I as well, sometimes wonder "How I got to this point in our life"! Our life took a total 360 degree turn in March 2007. Our "baby" was graduating from HS and our "nest was EMPTY". We had one granddaughter (whom we didnt get to see often and it grieved my heart greatly) I was ready to "fill my house" with grandbabies! The house was just not the same being quiet! Yes, we wanted the freedom to "get up and go" but still I longed for that "sit down and enjoy" feeling! Well (2) months prior to my daughters graduation, God revealed HIS PLANS for our lives. A baby girl was waiting for us. We were honored to be asked to fill the duties of Godparents, but oh God had something much more fulfilling with quite more responsibility. What was just weekend visits, turned into a couple of weekday visits and then the BIG DAY came when we got a phone call from the bio mom. She felt that "our girl" would deserved a better life in which she could give her. At first, I thought it was "new mommy" blues, but when I looked into her eyes, it was the "look" of a mother who DEARLY LOVED that little girl and wanted the best for her. I still pinch myself and wonder "why, how, and when" did God decide WE fit that protocol! We weren't perfect, we made mistakes, we weren't financially stable, we were just "run of the mill, basic people'. We even use the proverbial "this happens to other people, not people like us"! We learned fairly quickly that OUR PLANS OUR NOT GOD'S PLANS", GOD HOLDS THE BLUEPRINTS OF OUR LIVES, IT'S UP FOR US TO "UNDERSTAND" AND BUILD FROM IT", and build from it we did! We have a great relationship with "our girls" mother, our family love this child TREMENDOUSLY and we can't imagine our life without her! She fits right in with those grandbabies of ours and its just one big happy family!
Wesleigh and Gracie are so loved and it's apparent in each post. The video I have watched countless times! You and Richard spoke w/so much compassion. The gift of adoption is such a blessing to not only the child but to the family as a whole. I pray that the video continues to open hearts and homes to many of the kids that are still waiting for their forever homes.
You know, lately I've been thinking the same thing. I never thought this would be my life. And I'm so glad it is! God is awesome and amazing.
Love you!
Your journey is a beautiful one written by God. You are doing exactly His will and he holding you in the palm of His hand. SO blessed to have a front row seat:)
I found your blog, because we have a LID of 4/19 for a little 2 year old from Hengshan County CWI. We also have been touched by adoption. We have a 26 bio son, 23 bio daughter and a little 4 year old that has stolen our heart. Her name is Gracie actually! We have been so blessed by her, we also felt we could do more, and so the Lord lead us to our little Lily who is in foster care in Hengshan. Your little girls, and your boys are BEAUTIFUL!! This post encouraged me, because I am starting to get a little nervous about all the unknowns. I also believe the Lord placed Lily into our hands and family and I will hold on to no matter what, she is ours and that's all I need to know. God Bless you! To bad I wasn't LID sooner, we could have met up!
Here is my blog if you want to see my babies!
In Him:
Like many others, Jennifer, I can so relate to your emotions...God had blessed our family life immensely, but once we let Him truly take the wheel, well, my husband and I have been left in awe and wonder. His plans are infinitely greater than our own! It is such a blessing to share and to witness His continued Miracle Blessings throughout this adoption blogging community. Every best wish and prayer...
I too believe this to be true. We are struggling with finaces too but know without a shadow of a doubt, we are right where God placed us and are SO ready for His plan to unfold. I LOVE the video!!! God has blessed big!!!
I love how honest and open you are. That's why so many people can relate to you, and why you're such an inspiration to so many. You're so right! This is God's plan that y'all are choosing to follow, and He will guide you all the way through.
I loved talking to you yesterday! I can't wait until we can chat in person..:)
Love the bell bottoms on Miss W and your video is beautiful! :)
Jennifer, I'm friends with Kim in Houston and she turned me onto your blog. I feel like we could be kindred souls. When you shared the video, it could have been me and lambert sitting there sharing the EXACT same testimony. When we know God calls us to it... he will see us through it. I'm touched and inspired by your faith and can't wait to see you return to China.. okay... now I'm all teary eyed!
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