Saturday was "wedding day" at our house Saturday. Faith has been doing my hair for many years and I offered my house to them for their wedding. At one point last week, when I was cleaning like crazy, I regretting making the offer. In the end, it was alot of fun and now, my house is amazingly clean!! I didn't take alot of pictures. I didn't want to be in the way, but here are a few.

(notice the picture of my 3 boys in the background :)

Faith's family and friends came and transformed the house into a beautiful backdrop for this wedding. All I had to do was have it clean. They also picked everything up and left it exactly how they found it! They were amazing, and I enjoyed getting to know them all.
Throughout the day, I kept my cell close to get updates on all the ballgames my boys were playing. Braden was playing 2 games about an hour away. Richard was with him. Cade had 2 games locally. He was with the other coaches. Evidently, he had the play of his season, and neither of his parents were there to see it!! Of course, that's the way it would happen. PawPaw was there though, so it's ok. Bryce was at the Blue Angels airshow in New Orleans with the Sea Cadets and Wesleigh was hanging out with my parents.
One thing I did realize last week, as my parents helped me with Wesleigh a good bit, is that I don't really hate cleaning my house....I just hate cleaning my house with a toddler around! I adore Miss W but she not exactly a "help" when I'm trying to get things cleaned up!!
Mother's Day was spent at the ballpark, which has become a normal experience for us. I didn't even get to see my amazing mother yesterday, but I did make
all my children come with me to the park :) Bryce wasn't very happy about it, but I was happy to have him there. He cost me so much money, though, I don't think I'll be making him come again :)
Hope you all had an amazing Mother's Day!! No new update on Gracie Joy yet!! Perhaps I'll have lots of exciting news this week? ;)