Yep...that's my 14 yr. old's pants size. Actually, it's the size he is wearing in this pictures and, as you can see, they're too short!! Seriously?!? Richard wears a 34 length, but he's 6 ft. tall!!
I love this shot because it's so sweet, but can't quite get past the pants! He really needs a 29 x 34...I'll have to get working on that.
WOW! So not ready for big boys, but it is coming quickly in our house too! Such a sweet photo!
Hmmm, I agree with you, the pants is a little short. But hey, these days, anything other than usual could always make a fashion statement =)
And again, this is yet another beautiful and sweet photo of your children. It totally captures the love and trust between your eldest and Miss W.
God is awesome!
aw to both of them!
This is SO funny, it's amazing how that happens! You are raising some strapping young men! :)
Boys seem to grow overnight, don't they? I still joke to my husband that our then 15yr youngest son it seems went to bed one night barefaced and awoke up the next morning w/a full mustache!! I mean really....where did all that facial hair come from! That 15yr old is now 23 and can be a good stand in for Grizzly Adams!!!
My husband and oldest son has thin mini-mustache that you almost have to squint to see!!
*sidenote* This same kid was the smallest in his class, I'm sure at his 10yr reunion no one would recognize that "runt" now! LOVE BOYS and how they change!! Enjoy those little men of yours...they are just as handsome as Wesleigh is beautiful! Oh yeah...invest in LEVI stock...you prob gonna need it! HA!
Oh, I just love this picture of Wesleigh with her brother. Even though I can't see his face in the pic, I can tell he loves his little sister so much just by the way he has his hand on the back of her head. Just so sweet! Your boys are just the sweetest young men. You have done a great job on them. This is a long ways off, but whenever Wesleigh starts to date, her boyfriends will have big shoes to fill because her 3 brothers will have shown her for years how a young lady should really be treated.
WOW - my hubs wears a 36" inseam and he's 6'4 (he was the 2nd shortest kid in his class until sophomore year of HS). My 9 yr old son has passed me in shoe size and is outgrowing (length wise) his 12 slim pants.
Yeah, i have one of those lanky boys...good luck with the 29x34, maybe Penneys, but very VERY hard to find. Great picture!
Oh Jen!
My Wesley is 6'4" and it's sooooo hard to find jeans that fit! : )
Looks like you're going to have the same problem!
Love this picture of these two.
I believe it..
Kids grow soooo fast..
What a sweet sweet picture!! And WOW, he is tall for 14! Crazy!!
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