The first is Myra. Her blog is here. Myra reached out to me after I posted a picture of our referral to Miss Wesleigh. She had been in China just a few months prior, adopting her son from the same orphanage Wesleigh lived in. When they visited the orphanage, she actually held Wesleigh and had it on video!! Wesleigh happened to be the only child screaming her lungs out!! What they also did during this visit is to try to let her new son, Sam to say goodbye to his best little buddy in the orphanage. This video was such a blessing, but it was also very hard to watch as I waited to go get my sweet girl. I never posted it here, because I just couldn't bring myself to share it. I will post a link to it now because it's so much easier to watch now that I have her.
Here it is.
Wesleigh is the one in the yellow shirt with the blue pants. She's standing in her crib. The amazing part of this story is that Sam's little friend went up for adoption a number of months ago. Myra started to advocate for this little boy to find him a home, but soon realized that he belonged in their family!! Myra is back in the same province about to adopt Sam's best friend!!! They will be brothers...forever! What an amazing testament to God's grace and love.
Here is a picture, sent to me by the orphanage, as we waited to travel. It is of Wesleigh and Myra's new son, Will. This picture makes me laugh every time I see it!

The second blog is here. Sonia is the mother of 4 bio boys and is in China to get her 2 new sons!!! Yes...that makes six!!! Sonia has the funniest take on life (I suppose that might be the only way to survive!) and her sarcasm speaks my language ;) I don't know as much about how she came to these two precious boys, but I do know that they are precious!! They are best friends in the orphanage, and now they will be brothers...forever!!!! Just makes me smile! Sonia is in China with her entire family! Yes...they brought all 4 boys with them!!! Boy would I love to be a fly on the wall for this trip!! If there's anyone who can take it all in stride, it's Sonia! Go check out her'll love it!
how wonderful!
I just love that picture. So darn sweet.
Oh this post is such a joyful one. So happy those kiddos are finding homes. God is so good.
I just went back and watched that video shared it with me before...a log time ago but now KNOWING Wesleigh it just breaks my heart. I cannot stand to see all those little ones just lying in the cribs. I just want to go get them and bring them home. It hurts my heart more than can bear.
Yes, seeing Wesleigh in the video breaks my heart too. It seems harder now that I know her! That picture is so funny of Wesleigh and Myra's new son! A happy week. Enjoying the blogs.
OH geesh, your killing me here! Gotcha is in 7.5 hours...I'm an emotional mess -as I posted earlier, I didn't think about how being back at this hotel would flood me with emotions on Sam's Gotcha...BUT as much as I teared when watching the video, it was bittersweet...Sam, Will, Wesleigh, Kimi(on the back row in the crib) Kira and Jacob (the only one I didn't meet last time) have left or are all waiting to leave and I have gifts for the last 3 from AWESOME is that!!! Praise God!!! CAN'T WAIT to post those pics! :) and I'm so grateful for the friendship Huai'an has brought him! Can't wait to follow your new journey!
wow Jen, that video is amazing! I'm glad you have that for Wesleigh to see. Talk about intertwined.
Wow!!! What great news that these sweet children will soon be with their forever families. The video of Wesleigh & the other children was just heartbreaking to watch, thankgoodness we Serve An Amazing God. Our thoughts and prayers are will all of you!!!! Blessings
As I sit here 1:20am in the morning trying to soothe my 7mo old grandson, my heart truly breaks as I watch the video of all those precious little ones, that sit in the orphanage and suffers thru the "teething" phase and other doldrums of infancy! Praising God that most of these babies "including" Wesleigh has found their forever homes!
PS gotta stop by the other blogs and follow their journeys! Thanks for sharing their story! What a beautiful "red thread" testimony!
Just NO better news and SO thankful those precious boys have their forever families!!! God is SO good! LOVE the pic of Wesleigh and her friend. :)
Blessings and Joy!
I was more than touched by the video of the orphange. It was difficult to watch, but we must know the truth as to how it is for some children. It was interesting to see the emotions of the workers as they released one of their babies to a stranger. I think the video will haunt me for a while, but I know I can pray for all the little ones to find their forever families and for the transitions that must be difficult for all involved. Thank you for was a valuable lesson for me. So glad Miss W found her family and Godspeed for her new sister. Love you all....Lauren McG
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