Seems like, lately, I haven't even had time to catch my breath around here. Things have been so busy trying to get ready for the parties in a couple of weeks. I also threw another hitch into everything when I decided to go back to work! I took a position at the boys' school. I am up there all the time lately and have been subbing (which I hate) a good bit. I used to teach a LONG time ago, but my certificate has expired, so I am going to be a computer lab teacher. It hardly pays anything, but every little bit helps, right? The principal and I decided that we would see how I like it for the rest of this year and then decide about next year later. I am excited about it, but I'm also nervous. I am very spoiled, and totally control my schedule. I'm not used to waking up early every morning and having to be somewhere for the whole day. I haven't started yet, but will start on 12/8, right after the parties. Now, I'm on a mission to not only have everything ready for the parties, but to have all of Christmas bought as well. Believe it or not, I only have a couple of gifts left to get, and a few more things for the boys. I even wrapped all the teachers' gifts last night! Busy people get more done, right? That's what I keep telling myself!
This week, I took Bryce and his friend, Christian, to Tigerama. They have this at LSU every year, but I never knew about it. The Tiger symphonic band, and the marching band put on a great show. The marching band was SO awesome! There are 350 members of the band, and they are loud! It's a completely different experience hearing them inside a building as opposed to on the football field. Here are a few pictures of our night:
Bryce's favorite was this Indi*na J*nes number. Mike the Tiger was dressed all dressed up, as were the Golden Girls. Bryce said when we got to the car, "I don't know why the Golden Girls hardly have any clothes on." Pretty funny. Give him a couple of years.
We have our fingerprint appointment Tuesday at 8:00am!!!! Don't they know it's a holiday! The office is in New Orleans, so we will be up bright and early. I am not complaining, though. I was so happy they accepted my paperwork, I would go in the middle of the night if that's what they want!
My SIL is coming Monday to help me get these decorations in order. The bad news is that I just don't have enough decorations for this house. It's so much bigger than the last one. Hopefully she can work some magic because I really don't want to spend a ton of money on decorations! I'll post pictures after we're done!
Have a great weekend!! I'm off to get ready for my "Cade" day!!
Oh, you & Cade will have a great time!! There are a lot of good movies out right now! Have a happy Thanksgiving!
Sounds busy busy! I have been pretty busy myself, but like you said, busy people get more done! Right now, I just feel like I can't do much b/c my daughter is really needy today.. So I'm having to hold her while she naps.. ugh.. oh well, I'll try to get more done after she wakes up. :)
Sounds like the job will be fun..
and I can't believe you are done with Christmas shopping.. haven't even started..
Have fun.can't wait to see pictures.
Sounds like you are ahead of the game with house might be decorated, but I didn't start my shopping yet....I usually wait until after Thansgiving to start!
The job sounds are right, every little bit helps...especially in this economy!
Enjoy your Cade day.....and I am so glad you are got your fingerprint appointment!
Have a good week....can't wait to see what you and your SIL come up with....I am sure it will be beautiful!
Have a great time with Cade! That sounds like a lot of fun. Love the pics from the band playing...I bet Bryce loved that!
Have a happy Thanksgiving!
goodness! this post just made me tired! LOL
did the Tigerama thing play Christmas music??
you are a wild woman!
Happy Thanksgiving in case you don't get a chance to blog before then......LOL
It sounds like you are going to have a wonderful time over Thanksgiving!
Congrats on your new job! This will keep you busy until that little China Doll comes along! ;)
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