Well, this weekend, I bit the bullet and started pulling out Christmas decorations. Granted, none of them are when they should be, but it's a beginning. I've been giving Denise a hard time because her house was decorated before Halloween, so I thought it only fair to show her that there is a little bit of progress at my house. This is the first year I've ever had stuff out before Thanksgiving, but I have big motivation this year. On Dec. 5, we are having a really big Santa party here. I have the most awesome Santa making an appearance to give out presents to all the kids and take pictures. It is going to be GREAT! The next night, we have Richard's office party here. I am happy to be getting them both over in the same weekend, then I will be able to relax and enjoy the season. If you are counting, the party is a little over 2 weeks away! I am a little freaked out, but I got the invitations out today, so I'm making progress! All I need is Denise to come over here and show me where to put all this stuff!
By the way, you are ALL invited to the party, so make your plans!!
I want to come over..
You are always throwing such AMAZING parties..
Have a Great Week.
I can see you have the decorator's talent!! Every thing is lovely!! I hope you will keep showing us every little detail. I love getting to see!!!
Oh your mantle is just beautiful! I am not a very good party thrower but I love to see your talents at work!
It's looking very festive. Sounds like you're going to have one fun weekend in 2 weeks. I wish I lived closer ;)
I just love decorating for Christmas! Yay!
Fabulous....we'll be there! ;)
You're way ahead of me!!! I haven't even thought about getting my stuff out yet.
i can't wait to see pictures of everything! And you better watch out who you invite......the mississippi hicks may come rolling up to your door.........lol
i really really really hope you may consider coming to our fcc chopstich chic ornament dirty santa thingy moms night out in Dec...!!!!
i promise i am going to call you soon!
Jill :)
Aww, thanks! Yeah, I tend to find myself biting her.. and gobbling her up.. haha.. I can't help it. :)
I had to LOL when you said Denise was decorated before Halloween....she even beat me to the punch!!
I am sure everything is going to be picture perfect for both parties.....your home is beautiful and you have such great taste....can't wait to see more!!
YAY !! It's a start! I've been laughing at your comments on Denise's blog.
Can't wait to see the photos!
Your mantle looks so pretty. It's a good start.
It is looking great so far and I know that with yur awesome sense of style it will be GORGEOUS!!!!
Does that mirror over your fireplace hide a TV? Just curious....
OH you cute girl!!!! I am sooooooo thrilled to see your Christmas decorations making their way out into your lovely home!!!! And just so you know....I just booked my flight...I am coming your way!!! *wink*!!! Hee-hee...Leave the key under the mat....and I'll be done in a flash.....!
Keep those pretty pictures coming.....You KNOW I want to see it all!!!
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