Cade has always been a big eater. He is the child that will try anything. He's my only one. Braden eats so slowly, taking baby nibbles, it will drive you insane. I have to set the timer to get him to finish. That might have a little to do with why he's so skinny and Cade is so thick - ya think?
Sunday, after church, there was a family fun day. There were some little carnival games set up and spacewalks. There were also hundreds of hot dogs. They announced that there was going to be a contest to see which man could eat a hot dog the fastest. All of a sudden, I see Cade run up to the guy and ask (very insistently) if he could do it. They wouldn't let him do it because they wanted it to be men. As soon as the men were done, Cade ran back up to the guy and said, "OK, it's our turn now". The guy ended up letting the little boys participate in their own race.
I only had my phone camera, but I got some pics (whoever thought of putting a camera in your cell phone was a genius):
I haven't forgotten about his post. I've done Bryce and Braden. I've been working on it, so it should be done pretty soon.
Too fun! Everyone in our house eats big except for Tyler. He eats like a bird. Are you guys getting ready for deer season?
that boy is way too cute!
Oh my! That is too funny! I know there is never a dull moment in your family. Life with three boys has got to be the most fun thing in the world! He looks like he is enjoying himself! LOL!!!
Hey, I hope you can come to our Christmas Party or at least CNY.....or BOTH! :)
that sounds like so much fun!!! Love how he insisted on getting his turn...too cute!
LOL....YOu can puke if you want, but you are riding home in a taxi :)
How fun! And how come the camera on my phone takes such awful pictures! Maybe it's time for a new phone...=)
This is so funny!!
Looks like he had a great time.
We are all big eaters in this house....even our little Sarah....she doesn't look it, but she can put some food down!!
Oh, funny! I am surprised none of them got sick. lol!
That is so funny!! My Owen is totally a big time eater as well. That kid can really put down the food but he is soooo lean. It looks like cade is the same way-- eats a ton but burns ever calorie he takes in-- wish I could be more like that-- eat a ton and burn it all off- Oh wishful thinking :)
Christy :)
I love the crazy stuff that boys do!!
I love this...he is so darn cute...even with his cheeks full of hot dog :)
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