We started the day, Monday at the house watching the news, but soon lost power. Richard and Cade cooked a great breakfast outside because we didn't want to make heat the house with the gas cooktop inside. It was blowing the rain on them, so Cade had to get his robe. He was so cute.
He stayed outside with Richard for quite a while sweeping off the porch and drawing on the windows. I love the pictures of him drawing.
Can you see the drawing on the top left pane? It is of clouds and a bolt of lightning hitting a person!! That's encouraging...
Braden decided he wanted PawPaw to teach him to play chess. (It was still really cold because we had cranked the air down low the night before)
And they all played the game of Life. I'm glad Maw Maw and Paw Paw were there - I hate that game.
By 10:00, they had done everything they could think of. Thankfully, one of our good friends in the neighborhood has a big generator (they also own a restaurant) invited us over for lunch, so we took off. They have four kids, so the kids had a blast. In the middle of the storm, we let the kids play football in the rain. I know, not the smartest thing to do, but they were already stir crazy and thought it was so funny to try to walk against the wind and rain. Here are a few pictures of that:
Yes, they're crazy (and entertaining)
I'll have pictures of our adventures through the backwoods of Mississippi next.
I also owe Braden a birthday post. His birthday is Sept. 4th. He hasn't had a celebration yet, and we're waiting to see what Ike does before we plan anything. Poor baby, he was so sweet and didn't complain at all about not having anything special for his birthday. I told him he might have to stop having birthdays. Three years ago, on his birthday, is when our house burned down! He's my hurricane boy (but he's actually the calmest boy I have :)
LOVE the pictures...
Now the drawing on the windows and the playing football in the rain.. that is what my kids would be doing also..
So glad everything is all right...
HUGS to you..
Glad you are home safe and sound...
I remember living in south Florida and experiencing the hurricane warnings. It seems as if there was always a party somewhere. Strange, huh? The hurricanes have gotten so much more wicked and unpredictable. Your boys are so darn cute. They did look like they were enjoying themselves....
Oh my goodness Jennifer! I am saying many prayers that Ike stays clear of you and your family. Hang in there!
love the pics!
you are such a fun Mom!
Jill :)
awake and on Margie alert!
Love the pictures as well!
Glad you're home safe. Praying the next one stays away!
i love the lightning bolt hitting the person-- that is so something my boys would have drawn. Too funny. Even though I know it is a hard time when threatened by a hurricane, it really looked like you guys had a ton of fun!! REally I thought we would have loved to hang with you guys-- too funny!!
Anyway, glad you are all ok and that things are finally getiting back to normal!!
Christy :)
Come on to Huntsville! Although, I really hope Ike runs out of steam.
I think playing outside in the rain probably made some wonderful memories for the boys.
I know you're tired of being out of pocket. Hang in there. It can't go on forever, right?
How great is it to be back online now? :)
Glad you're home and loved the pictures. Pray you don't have to go through the same thing again with Ike!
Glad you're back...with "power & air"!
Glad everyone is safe and that you have good neighbors! So sorry about the electricity...ugh!
What a fun hurricane party! LOL! I love all of the pics of the boys playing in the rain. So typical of boys. :)
Glad you got power back. I can tell you are alot like me....I can NOT do without air conditioning. NO WAY! LOL.
Have a great week!
Those pictures are great...it looks like everyone had fun....you make the best of every situation!
The pic of Cade in the robe is my favorite!
Glad you back home and hope that Ike stays away....you have been through enough!
I love your pics, especially football in the storm. My boys would have been right there.
Praying that Ike does not put you in the dark again~
I am so glad that you guys made it through ok. I love the photos...and you will always have those very unique memories.
so glad you are ok ... it does look you made the most of it and had some fun ... the drawing on the window is hilarious ... gotta love a sense of humor in the midst of danger ..
You seem to be making the most of the situation. Love all the pictures...it will be fun to look back on one day. I hope everything gets back to normal real soon though. :)
I don't mind playing LIFE, but I cringe when they boys ask to play Monopoly...it's such a loong game and we never seem to end....we usually just walk away. haha
I will be praying for your safety and sanity. :)
Happy Birthday Braden!!
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