None of that now, it's all jeans, cargos, sweatshirts and warm-ups. Their clothes might not be as sweet, but they are just as cute. I love to see my boys in the latest blue jeans and a sweatshirt. It has only been about a year that I've been able to pass pants down at all. Until now, every pair of long pants has had a hole in at least one knee long before the cold weather is over. I was so excited to only find a couple of pants with holes in the knees this year!
This transition is not very easy. The most important thing is to do it when the boys are in a relatively good mood. It requires alot of trying on, and they are not always the most agreeable. I start in Cade's room and have him try on all his pants. He only had a couple of pair that will do for this season, all the rest goes in a give-away pile (Deanna, you know what that means!). Same goes for the shirts. We then move to Braden's room. He tries on all his clothes. What fits gets hung back up (a few things), what doesn't goes into the pile for Cade to try on. These two are funny because they are very close to the same size. Cade is a little thicker and a little shorter, but they weigh the same. At one point, I wanted to take a picture of the two of them laying on the floor trying to pull the 27th pair of pants on, but it would have required me to run down stairs and if I had left the room, they would have escaped! We then do the same in Bryce's room. Bryce tries on everything, then Braden tries on what doesn't fit. Nothing from last year fits Bryce this year, thankfully, he received some hand-me-downs himself, so he does have a few things.
It's always fun for me to see how much they've grown in just a year. To see the jeans that looked so cute on them last fall come up to their ankles is amazing (and a little sad).
So we're ready for the fall weather. Too bad we still have a couple more months of steamy temps. down here!
Look at those cuties!! I know what you mean about the boys "NOT" liking it. B-Man moaned and groaned one day as I was going thru his clothes.. until finally I told him he would just go naked to school. TEE HEE! That changed his "Tude" a bit. lol!
What a sweet picture! Good job to have done, I'm sure.
We use to do this too..
Now it is KyLee goes through her closet of stuff that she hasn't worn or her drawers are overflowing.. we have got to the stage now where both of the boys wear the same size..
Amazing how they grow..
Our babies grow up right before our eyes..
Have a Great Week.
Love the picture of the boys when they were little..
That picture is adorable....look how little they were!!
I wanted to go through closets this weekend and didn't get to it....Nicks clothes usually go to my nephew and Sarahs are now being put away in rubbermaid containers with hopes that one of these days...our china baby(we have changed her name a million times during this wait, so this is now how I refer to her)will be wearing them!!
Have a great week!
I've gone underground.
send me your email so I can send you an invite.
I hear you!! I finally finished in Madelyn's closet and told Hayden it was his turn, sometime this week. There was much moaning and groaning. It is said to see how much they've gown!!
I had to buy most everything new this year. I am glad that I'm not the only one having to deal with the holes in one leg though..that's my biggest issue in the fall and winter. Can't understand why that happens in one leg!?!
And we thought gas and food had gotten expensive...I didn't realize clothing had gone that way too. Insane how prices for them went sky high at the same time!
isn't that picture darling;)
I still have a few pair of levis from Ryan for Jacob.
They were so cute and still are! Such sweet little boy clothes. :)
It's fun to pass the clothes on and compare the fit between boys. :)
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