We went to Starkville from the camp to visit my great uncle/godfather and my great aunt. I haven't been there in years, and it was really nice to be back. They were so wonderful to us and seemed to really enjoy getting to know the boys. Uncle Rodney wanted to take the boys to get them some MS State clothes since we were going to the game. At first, they wanted no part of it, but soon they agreed. I had packed so light that we had LSU hats for them, but no clothes :( Uncle Rodney took them by himself to pick out the clothes! I tried to talk him into letting me come with them, but he wouldn't have it. Three boys can be quite a handful if you're not used to them. (What am I saying? They're a handful even if you ARE used to them!) You can't see in this picture, but they have the shorts too! They loved their clothes until we started walking around before the game. Braden said, "We should be in our LSU clothes". I felt it too, we were traitors!! It didn't matter. We had a great time at the game, and got to experience another college's traditions and spirit. Here are a few pictures from the game.
Our seats were separated, so Cade and I sat by ourselves.
I have more pictures to share from Starkville, but I'm running short on time. We go back to school today after having a week off for the hurricane. Things here are BAD! There are still neighborhoods behind us having to use generators. I can't even imagine! Half the traffic signals are not working. (You should see the traffic around LSU). Alot of the restaurants aren't open yet, and if they are, it's very limited (and crowded). There are huge oak trees down everywhere. It is so sad. These trees are HUGE! Alot of them fell onto houses. There are "blue roofs" everywhere because they are having to use tarps to cover damage. I am thankful that things weren't worse for our house. And I'm VERY thankful that the boys are going back to school! We were just getting into the groove of school in the first place, now we're back to square one. Oh well, I need to go get dressed so I don't embarrass my kids! I'll add more pictures from our trip later. Have a great day!
Oh by the way, there is one more subtle indication that a hurricane has been here: the extra behind I seem to be carrying around!!! All those Milk D*ds came back to haunt me!!
Looks like you had a Great Time while you were there..
Glad to hear the boys are getting back into the swing of things..
Hugs to you..
Have a Great Week..
What? No cowbells?
Cameron had some interesting stories about what he went through to sneak his cowbell into the game! (It took 3 attempts)
I think your guys look handsome in their MSU clothes!
I'm glad you're at home. And it's looking like Ike may be heading towards Texas?
Pics are great!
I SO know where you're coming from when you talk about taking three boys somewhere at once. I thought it was bad until Allie was born and now it's a completely different world.
Hopefully you'll get to experience that one very soon!!!!!!!!
Your boys are so cute!!! Im glad things are finally getting back into the swing of things. I totally laughed about the extra rearend being lugged around. I guess Gustav gave a little bit more than expected-- haha-- too funny!! That is totally me. I will have a day or two of crap eating and I will notice it immediatly--ugg!!! you look amazing-- no one would ever know.
Christy :)
Your "traitors" look so cute!
So glad you were one of the lucky ones....no damage to the house and you were all safe!
Sounds like the town is a little nuts right now.....I am hysterical reading your last sentence...you are too funny!!
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