Every once in a while, it happens. What? you might ask - Complete brotherly harmony. They get along well, as far as brothers go, but they don't often just sit and play together (unless it's a video game). Today, things were mighty quiet, so I went upstairs to see what they were doing. Bryce got alot of new Star Wars L*go sets for his birthday, and they are all enjoying them. They have even built props with Cade's blocks. This is what I found...

Ahhh... music to my ears. The one moment in time when you think, "Yes, I'm doing a good job!" No worries, I have no doubt that the moment I hit "publish" all h*ll will break loose here. But, for now, in this moment, I am enjoying the harmony!! You must, you never know how long it will be before it happens again!!
Gotta love them brothers!!!
Oh how true this is...
Nick, Colton and KyLee can argue with the best of them.. then in a rare moment.. they will be laughing and enjoying each other...
Have a Great moment...
Love the picture..makes me smile..
And you captured it on film :)!! Well done, friend :)!
Hey Jennifer,
Been getting a lot of comments from you, so I'm finally getting over jet lag enough to spend at least a FEW minutes to check other people's blogs out....Looks like you have a B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. family yourself! Wow! Thank you for all the sweet words on my blog. I'll have to start peeking into yours' once in a while...although I have so much to catch up on since coming home from China. I'm WAY stressed over how many thank you notes need to be written, etc...
Have a great week with your 3 boys and 1 china girl! We must have somewhat parallel lives!
oops, just realizing that you are WAITING....when is your LID?
I'm jealous...school starts in 4 days!!!
i am laughing my head off ... i can't remember the last moment this happened at my house ... it is a moment to cherish ...
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