1. Go back to Walmart and buy MORE supplies. I always do this. Every single time, I get a little more nervous and want to make sure we have plenty for anyone who needs to stay. If I had wanted canned goods or tuna today, I would have been out of luck. Those shelves were completely bare.
2. Cut the grass (Lord know how high it would get before it dries out again)
3. Wash clothes. (After days of no electricity, we will need all the clean clothes we have!)
4. Clear off the back porch: Put barstools and other furniture in the garage, figure out how to protect the outside TVs.
5. Take the gas lanterns down. We have two awesome gas lanterns outside, and they would never survive the winds.
6. Move the big pots off the front porch. I'm not quite sure how we're going to do that, but the iron trellis' would end up through the windows, so we have to move them.
7. Make sure everyone has books to read. I went to the library to get some for Bryce today. The gameboys will eventually run out of battery!! Which leads me to...
8. Charge up all game boys and cell phones.
9. Get the things needed to celebrate Braden's birthday (Sept. 4) in case things are still crazy.
10. Vaccuum - doesn't really have anything to do with the hurricane, but between my hair and the dog's hair, I'll go crazy without the vaccuum cleaner for a few days!
Some of these things, we have done, and some are still left to do. We're praying for the best but preparing for the worst.
Good Luck...I really hope it misses you! I have to say you are extremely organized given the circumstances. I will be saying a prayer for you!
Thinking of you ..
Hope it is not very bad..
But sounds like are prepared for anything..
Have a Great Weekend..
That list looks similar to mine. We have mowed the grass today and got the yard looking nice only to have it looking yucky next week. I am in a cleaning frenzy. I want everything perfectly clean and all clothes washed up incase we lose power. We are stocked up on food but I feel the need to go ONE MORE TIME. We have the vehicles all gassed up.
I heard today that Baton Rouge would not be used as a shelter this time. This is scary but I know that God is going to take care of all of us. Yall take care.
I am so praying for you and all of my friends/family in the pathway of Gustav! I can't believe that we will be on the other side of the world while it is happening. You can be sure that I'll be checking on you ALL!
(Don't stress eat all the snacks before the storm gets here lol!)
Oh UGGGH! Praying for you! I would have to vacuum too. Just hate to not have the house vacuumed in any circumstances!
I hope you are doing all of this and you won't need it. But it is better to be prepared.
Peanut butter and squirty cheese in a can would be preferred in this house over tuna!
We lived in Charlotte when Hugo hit. It was a horrible thing to live through. I'm praying that Gustav loses strength.
Oh, praying it turns out MUCH better than it looks! Good job being prepared. Just think, it will probably miss you and then all these things will be done and you can sit back and enjoy your Mild Duds for Labor Day! Hope that's the case!
At least you will be prepared, but hopefully it will miss you guys!
Please stay safe and keep us posted!
that is a good list!
i am already tired of it!!!! and am not doing anything else!
I'll be praying for you and your family. Let's hope that this hurricane weakens and you will all be spared from any damage.
oh praying you will all be safe
You are Well organized my friend!!
I hope it misses yall. We are praying hard!
I am thinking of you Jennifer!
I will be thinking of you. Take good care!
OH bless your heart....I will be lifting your sweet family in prayer as Gustav moves closer. Looks like you all are very prepared..and ready....I will pray for the storm to weaken!
Denise C
p.s. I am a blogger friend of Kim (3 peanuts)!
Came across your blog thru "3 Peanuts" and love it!
Thinking of you friends....you can always come here---we are on the second floor and have lots of space--HAHA!!!!! You are WAY more prepared than we are....I need to go get milk duds!
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