Some of these pics look like she has make-up on...she doesn't...she just glows!

I snuck this one of my and my honey in here because we never have pics together :)

I kept the cake hidden from her because I had a feeling this is the reaction I would get :) As Richard walked out with that beautiful Cinderella cake, well...see for yourself... (If you haven't watched the video, scroll won't want to miss that!)

This is when she began to sing "Happy Birthday". It was so unbelievably sweet.

Just a couple of present pics. Her excitement carried until every present was opened.

As I sit here going over these pictures and putting this post together, my heart feels like it might burst. This child has brought new life into this house. It is not always appreciated...especially around bedtime ;) but she has such an amazing joy that comes from her's humbling. That she could have lived through the losses she has already experienced and come through it all with such a joy and zest for life. Her middle name "Joy" is perfectly suited for her. This birthday, her first with her forever family, will go down in my book as one of the most amazing days of my life. Thank you, Lord, for this amazing child. Let me never forget that her exuberance is a gift from you...even at bedtime :)
You know, Jennifer, even when she was still in China - her pictures on the Pearl River site- you could see the joy dwelling deep down inside her hoping to come out. I will say that now, with her forever family, the joy just isn't in her soul, but can now be seen by the entire world. I am so "joyful" for both her and your family! :-)
Looks like you had an amazing day! Happy belated birthday to your sweet girl!
Oh my word, that girl just radiates joy!!! What a perfectly chosen name. Love her excitement and enthusiasm and I'm so glad she had a wonderful birthday!
I am choking back tears....what a darling day! My children take their birthdays, parties, cakes and presents so for granted. To see her Joy and to think what could have happened if she hadn't come to your family - just too much to imagine!
Happy Happy Birthday Gracie Joy! And heres to many more with your forever family!
That second to last pic, of her hugging her purple dress, is priceless! What a beautiful girl, with such a beautiful, joyful soul. Happy 4th birthay Miss Gracie!
Happy Birthday Gracie Joy! I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at Gracie's wonderful birthday pictures. Her excitement is palpable even in the pictures. She just vibrates! The video was adorable. You are incredibly blessed to be sharing your life with your two little ones. Thanks for sharing them with us!
Precious...absolutely precious!! What a beautiful, joyful, happy little girl! Happy birthday, sweet Gracie.
such a sweet post and it brought tears to my eyes
Made me tear up!!! She is oh so precious! I love every single pic!!
Happy birthday Gracie!!!
Love the video!
You know that God chose this child for you! It is so evident, even on the crazy days! I love how this special "first" birthday for Gracie Joy has allowed you to truly appreciate how she has been created even more than you already do!!!! I am so thankful for the way God protected Gracie's inner joy so she could share it in only the way she can! She is beautiful on the inside and out!!! I look forward to watching what God has in store for this little bundle of energy!! I pray she always looks at life this way!!! I am so thankful that I get to watch her grow up in your amazing family! She is special!!!!
Oh my, the joy just radiates from this beautiful girl!!! Terrific photos of your pretty little princesses!
Happy Belated Birthday Gracie~
Just priceless! Squeals of delight are still ringing in my ears...what a blessing she is as is her forever family. We love you all!
What a precious day!!! She reminds me SO much of EK in these pics~ their chins are quite regal!!! Beautiful for sure! LOVED her excitement and true sincerity with it all. What a blessing she is to your precious family! Thank you for sharing this beautiful miracle with us!!! Happy birthday to your princess!!! XOXO
Gracie Joy, we can all learn so much from you! I do believe your joy is contagious, and I want to catch it! Happy Birthday, sweet girl! You are a delight! I am so thankful that the Lord sent you to THIS family! I love you, MawMaw
Jennifer, I can't help but laugh every time I read your blog. Gracie is so much like our Leah that one would swear they were clones. There is never, ever a dull moment in our house or anywhere we go. Even the facial expressions, the silliness, the acute cuteness.... I look forward to the antics everyday. Our girls have to meet, it would make for a very fun and unforgettable experience. next time we take a road trip I will certainly let you know
So incredibly adorable!!!!!
happy belated b'day, Gracie! Wow, she's beautiful and she looks so happy and joyful! :) May the Lord continue to bless you richly, Gracie!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!! She just made my day! I couldn't wipe the smile off my face through the whole video! Best reaction to a cake EVER! Love her!
Oh my word - that video is too cute!! That is the sweetest reaction I have ever seen to a birthday cake!!! Precious!!
Happy Birthday to Miss Gracie JOy (my middle name is Joy also!) You can just see all the life in that little girl!
I am so late commenting on this (but we talked about it). Sorry..I have been kind of a blog slacker. Happy belated birthday to sweet Gracie. I love how joyful that girl is. She is such a gift from God!!! So sweet.
I was just checking to see when her bday is.. Such a sweet post. And, a reminder that these girls have such a gift and a purpose!!!! Praying tomorrow is a very special day in FL.. And, that April 8th 2013 is as wonderful as 2012 was!!!
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