Truthfully, I have been struggling a bit with Wesleigh. She is finding her way with her new sister, and doing really well. It's just not easy to have someone your age move in and automatically share everything from your parents to your toys to your clothes. Lots of children have new siblings, but only a handful get siblings their own age that they immediately have to share everything with. Wesleigh seems to be dealing with these changes by becoming quite defiant to me. Not all the time, but it's something I have never seen in her before. I think she's was a little ticked about the whole thing...and I'm the bad guy. We're working through it, and we'll make it. I've seen some improvement...we're getting there.
I have also seen alot of growth in her, as well. Gracie has pushed her to be more assertive and to try new things. Gracie is stronger physically than Wesleigh is, so it forces Wesleigh to stretch herself. That's a good thing.
A while back Wesleigh started using the phrase "You promise?/I promise". Of course she says it much cuter than that...more like "I pwomise". I don't really know where she got it from. I don't think it's something I say, but it is just stinkin' cute! Yesterday was dance day. Wesleigh lives everday, waiting for dance day! She asks me every day if she gets to go to ballerina school. Every day, I tell her she gets to go on Friday...then she says, "You pwomise?". So cute! Before dance yesterday, I was telling the girls that they had to be good listeners. Gracie tends to get distracted during tumbling when she's waiting for her turn. Sometimes Wesleigh follows suit. They did great! I was so proud of them and told them that after class. Her response, "You pwomise?" Yes. I promise!

Watching Wesleigh in class yesterday touched my heart. Gracie coming home has emphasized the fact that Wesleigh is not the most coordinated toddler. Her spina bifida has contributed to her pigeon toes, and that makes it a little harder to do some things. You can see in the photo above, that her feet turn in. She has to work really hard at things that come very naturally to Gracie. 1st position in ballet is very hard for her. We have been practicing all week to help those tiny feet turn out. To watch her in that class, concentrating on every move makes my heart smile. Gracie is a natural athlete, but hasn't shown the same determination yet.
Wesleigh Jane, If you keep working hard, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to! I promise.
Precious, precious! What an amazing mom you are. Those girls are so blessed to have been handpicked by God to have you as a mom.
That is a pretty sweet post about a little girl who has overcome so much in her short life and who will continue to! I am glad that you have noticed that she is growing and not being crushed by her circumstances/the changes in her life! Wesleigh Jane, you are going to go far in life, I pwomise too!!
Wes' is very beautiful and the fact that she is determined makes her better than most of the adults in this world! You go girl!
All I can say is MELT MY HEART!!!!!!!
We put Sophia in ballet because her gross motor skills were so far behind. It was the best thing that we could have done. She has had amazing progress. I am sure that little Wesleigh will have amazing progress too :)
I have been following your blog for a while now and first would like to say your girls are gorgeous of course!! I'm sure yall have lots of fun at ur house :) 2nd, I have a question for you! I think I remember you and your husband going to New Orleans earlier than scheduled for your finger printing appt. I might be wrong, but I think I remember you posting. If so, did they allow yall to get it done early? We have to be re fingerprinted ASAP to pick up our daughter from Korea, and I was planning to go in early. Thanks so much Grace
I have been following your blog for months now and today I have felt the need to post a comment. We have been home 7 months with our Shanghai Sweetie who is 1 month younger then our son. We also have 2 3 year olds in our house. Boy and Girl and 1 is bio, but boy the transition has been ROUGH!!! I was actually thinking I would be so happy if things were going as smoothly at my house as they are at yours. Know that you are not alone and feel free is send me a message and we can talk about the strategies we are using to help our virtual twins! Your family is lovely.
I have been reading your blog for months now and today I felt the need to leave a comment. We have been home 7 months with our Shanghai sweetie who is 1 month younger then her brother. I was actually thinking the other day that I wish our transition was going as well as yours. Let me tell you it has been ROUGH!!! 2 3 year olds in a house is not a good thing. Any hints you want to pass along to help with the transition would be great and I will do the same. YOur family is beautiful!
Precious post! It is so amazing to see the innate qualities our kiddos have. Way to go sweet Wesleigh Jane! You are a trooper!
Happy tears flowing girl! I love this sweet post, her precious
Determination and your love for these angels! Yes, she will do anything her little heart desires.
Have a great weekend!
This post made me cry because I did get to watch the dance class and saw the determination and effort Wesleigh put into it. I had not recognized that part of her character before. I am impressed and touched. Wesleigh, God has a purpose for your life, and He is using even this adjustment to Gracie, and,yes, even ballet class to develop in you what you need to accomplish that purpose. We are all cheering you on and commit to praying and supporting you through!
Precious Wesleigh - the sweet little girl from China who has stolen so many hearts across the US and probably even around the world. God has such an amazing plan for your life. If someone tries to tell you that you can't do something because you have a disability, you tell them, "NO! I have HIS Ability!"
Wesleigh you are too precious!! I PWOMISE!!! :)
Wesleigh has overcome and accomplished so much in her little life! I think it's great that Gracie is pushing her to do more. God has big plans for both of these sweet girls! :)
Good Grief.. Why do your Mom's comments always make me cry!!! I want to be that prayer warrior Mom and Grandma too!!!! You know I love the TeaCup!! I have ever since I laid eyes on her referral photo!!!! And, now that I have my own in-toed baby girl home, I love her even more... I pray that Emme Jade is as determined as Miss W!!!!
God brought those two sisters together for a reason.. I am so thankful He did!!!
I love reading your blog! I have to chuckle every time you mention Gracie's energy and curiosity! It was fantastic to get to meet you and Richard in China. You all are an inspiration along with Gayly and Shawn.
Kaila Anderson
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