In the past couple of months (I guess since we've been home with Gracie), Wesleigh is acutely aware when she sees an Asian person. The first time happened when were walking out of a doctor appointment. We passed a white mom pushing an Asian baby in a stroller. Wesleigh said, "baby". Then when we passed her she said, "that baby from China like me". I was shocked...I'm still shocked. It's no secret my girls are from China :), and we do tell her when we meet someone else that they are from China "like you". I just never thought she would be able to distinguish who was Asian and who wasn't. After this incident, I thought maybe she had just got lucky. happened again at Cade's school. One of the teacher's husband is Korean and their little girl looks Asian. Wesleigh pointed her out and said, "That girl from China, like me". Again...shock. But this last incident takes the cake. I was reading the book Pumpkin Hill to the girls. No big deal...not an adoption book...certainly not about China. However when we got to this page:

Wesleigh says "They're from China, like me!". I never even noticed that the illustration was of an Asian family. It's the only one in the book. I am just amazed. I thought, at their age, they would just assume they looked like me. I think she's very young to have already noticed there is a difference and be able to pick it out in so many different situations. And because I know you want to see pics of this little Asian are some I've been wanting to share:

Oh...How I love this little cutie! Her sweet, quiet and cuddly personality has really stood out since we brought Gracie home. That is just what seems to happen when you have someone to compare to... their differences become more evident. Not in a bad a "God made you uniquely special and wonderful" kind of way :)
Darling! My Lia was around the age of 3 when she too, started to take notice of our physical differences. That continues to evolve as she gets older.
She is precious! Madeline started to notice the difference at around 2 1/2. I could not believe how aware she was and is. She told me she wished she had blue eyes like me when she was 2, I told her I wished I had brown eyes like her and Daddy and John David but God made us exactly the way he wanted us to be. A friend of mine was pregnant when she was 3 and one night as she was going to bed, she said she did not like her "China momma". When asked why she said because she wanted to be in my tummy like John David, Allie, Gardner, and Julianne were....that was a hard one. Was not long after that when she started wanting "Lili" (who you know we were and are sponsoring) to be her sister. I truly believe God smiled upon her request and gave us that exact little girl!! He truly does take care of these sweet souls:)
it is obvious that your little girl is a clever, insightful girl. How wonderful.
Jennifer, I think this post is just beautiful! thank you for sharing!
Ohhhh, precious! What an insightful, sweet baby. Can't wait to get my hands on them in Dec! This post is something! Thanks for taking the time to share this.
My youngest is adopted from China - we are waiting to bring her little sister home (can'tcomesoonenough). Piper keeps telling people "nows I's not gonna be da onwy Chinese in da house". Cracks me up!
The Teacup is precious and SMART!!!!! Love all the pics of your little sweetie!!!!! She is changing so much in so many wonderful ways this year!!!
Happy Halloween!!!
She is very observant!! Don't you just love how uniquely different her and Gracie Joy are? Happy Halloween !!!
She is so sweet and beautiful...they both are! I can't wait to see them in their halloween costumes! :)
Cute as usual ... she is smart too.
So Miss W is developing her schema. Remember from educational psyc classes about assimilation and accomodation? She is living proof of the absolute wonder of learning her environment. Beautiful and amazing! Lau
I am especially amazed Wesleigh noticed the family in the book. I'm not sure I would have even figured out that they were Asian. (This reminds me of the "Jon and Kate plus Eight" episode in which Alexis asks her father if Mickey Mouse is Asian. So cute, as they are part Korean.)
I can't wait to see your girls in their costumes. I remember how cute WJ looked last year as a witch!
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