Playing "ring around the rosie".

Shadow fun. Can you tell who is who? It is funny to me how obvious it is. They are so very different!

And my very favorite of the day:

Have a great weekend! We have another weekend full of football. Can't wait to see my Cade man play tomorrow!!
I like the shadows: chunky monkey and tiny hiney :)
So glad to hear you are settling in to your new normal - not easy, ever - but so worth it! Look at those sisters together!! It really is amazing to watch Gracie grow and Wesleigh be stretched! She is doing a great job, it sounds like!
Cute pictures! Good to hear things are settling in. I need to know where you got Gracies little dress????
Adorable and I love the one you love too~ enjoy your weekend and relax! XO
I can totally tell who is who in the shadows:) LOVE the sweet baby vintage. Kate has a dress very similar to Gracie's that I bought in Seaside:)
they are precious together! Lovin the Swanky Baby outfits:). I LOVE Gracie's bangs grown out, did not think she could possibly be any prettier but she is!
Glad to hear you are settling into somewhat of a routine now. I can't wrap my head around another toddler around here yet, but oh so very excited! Still waiting on LOA day 46, not that I'm counting though:)!
Hoping to travel by Feb but not getting too attached to the idea:)
Two BEAUTIFUL girlies...and precious outfits (as usual)!! Love the pics!
Oh I've been missing those cuties this week. Been checking your blog all week for a new post. Your blog and seeing those two together really is the highlight of my day. :)
Love all of these pics! It is just the sweetest thing to see them together, playing and walking hand-in-hand.
Have a great weekend!
love, love, love the pics! Really makes me want to get my little home asap so I can have some sista lovin'
Darling shoot! Sophia has he same teal and brown dress. Perfect for Fall!
I can not believe it's been 8 weeks!! I feel like y'all were just there. I'm sure it feels like she's been with y'all forever. They look like the best of friends....love them! I know you're busy, but call me next week when you get a free second. Maybe you can help calm me down, since our wait seems to get more and more drawn out!:)
I heart the last picture!
Your favorite is my favorite too...very sweet sister photo! I can see it enlarged and hanging in their room :)
So pretty ~ and I love the finish on that first photo? Did you use Florabella actions on that ~ if so, which ones?
Beautiful photos of your precious girlies, as always!
LOVE every single one of your sisters!!!!! Having a front row seat, I think they are doing AMAZING!!!!!
That last pic screams... We have made it!!!
Great pics of your girls. i can't wait to get some pics with the boys and Mia. We were finally DTC Friday the 21st, they say we should be logged in soon and then the long wait for our LOA. May god bless you and your family
Isn't little girls soo much fun?! Mine used to love to dress up too.. now they have their "own" since of style... They're killin me! I just grin & bear it..but, sometimes I lay the law down.. & they walk out the door with matching bows..! lol!
You're 2 peanuts are precious! Hope you all are doing well!
Heartwarming pics...thanks for taking the time to post. I know it's hard these days!
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