We went on a date night and had a great time spending some time together without the "crazies"!! I had Bryce take this before we left.

Our other big news for the day is this:

Wesleigh and Gracie's bed arrived! This room is so small that bunks were really my only option. I do have a trundle coming, so they will not actually use the top bunk for a while. In fact, the ladder is going into hiding for some time.
Wesleigh is still sleeping in her crib that is in the middle of the room (at least until I get mattresses :), but she is super excited about her big bed. She points to the bottom bunk and says "Dedee's bed" and then points to the top and says "Gwacie's bed". I hate to move her from her crib because she does so well in it, but it is nice to be moving out of the baby stage.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes!!
Also, I had lots of people asking about the monogramed swimsuits. Those both came from here. I love them!
Oh my....your daughters are going to have so much fun sharing the same room! Our duaghter Gracie calls herself "GWACIE" so I was smiling when I read this post. Dx
Does she refer to herself as "Dedee"? Is that her way of trying to say Wesleigh? Too cute! Love the new beds too. Your baby girl is growing up. :)
Oh and love the pic of you and Richard. Such a cute couple!
Y'all look so beautiful for your date night! And I love their new bunks..so elegant!
The birthday girl looks gorgeous! and, i love the bunks!
I am so glad you had a GREAT birthday!!!! You and Richard look great! Love the beds.
40 looks good on you :)
Thanks for the info I the bathing suit...after all those boys...we are having a granddaughter in Novemeber and boy won't she look cute in one like that.
Lynette in Laf.
Happy Birthday to you!!!
I have been gone from the bloggy world for a while, so I was so pleasantly surprised to come back and find out you are adopting again!!!!!! SO WONDERFUL!!!!!! She is beautiful!
Hope you had a great bday!
Gorgeous photo of you two and LOVE the beds! We are moving our littles to their own room and new beds (amelia's old beds). :)
HAPPY 40th!! You don't look a day over 30!!! Love the new bed.
You look STUNNING!!! Honey, 40 looks fantastic on you!!!!!! Bunk beds... Funny how our priorities change!
Praying for a trip to China together...
I love seeing how God is using your beautiful family!
P.S: I am in LOVE with Kelly Kids!!
Oh how funny- we have the SAME EXACT bunk beds for our girls! You have great taste, lady!
Happy belated Birthday Jennifer! Lovely picture of you and your DH!
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