This is what Miss W spent her weekend doing! She's a trooper!!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
#1 Baby!!
This weekend was a great baseball weekend. We played 3 games on Sunday and won the championship! SO FUN!! Each boy had to really give their all to win each game. We even had a game winning home run! It was so awesome!!
Of course, Miss Thing was there for the whole thing. She was a trooper! I've added a video to show how she spent her time. She steals anyone's phone she can. We were out there from 12:00 till 9:00 and she was great. Thank you Lord!!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Serious Cuteness
I think this is my favorite outfit so far!! I could eat her with a spoon!!!
We're baseball-ing it this weekend. I'm almost out the door for our first game of the day. The weather is gorgeous and I'm just hoping we win so we can stay!!
Hope you're having a great weekend!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Sleep Glorious Sleep
I can not even believe that it's already Thursday night! This week has flown by, but I have been EXHAUSTED! I am so glad the boys are home next week for spring break. I can't sleep as late as I used to, but any little bit will help. I am definitely feeling my age...OLD!
A very interesting thing has been going on in our house. Richard is now the parent that has to get up with Miss W!! After 4 kids.....Yay!!! We have found that if I go in her room when she wakes up she won't let me leave. I would be in there for an hour easy before I could get her back to sleep. But...if Richard goes in, she lays right back down and lets him leave the room, no problem. While it's annoying that Richard only has to get up for 60 seconds opposed to my hour, I am thrilled to not be the one getting up!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Is It Spring...or Winter?!?!
Miss Cheerleader. It was naptime, but she is always so sweet. She'll just hang out with her blankie and baby.
Giving knuckles to the boys. The boys LOVE this and do this before each game for good luck. Wesleigh loves it too and makes sure she goes to each boy multiple times.
Braden was so funny with that stocking cap on top of his baseball hat ;)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
So Important

There is a petition HERE that you can sign and help. Please consider signing this so we can get this rule changed! 35 more signatures are needed to get to 2000!!! Thank you!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Highlight of the Day
So far, the highlight of Wesleigh's day seems to be when Braden and Cade get home from school. They are always greeted with squeals and excitment. You can imagine how disappointed they are when they get home and she's still napping.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Daddy's Little Girl
Daddys are always the most fun. Mommy just can't seem to make naptime this fun ;)
Wesleigh lights up everytime Richard walks in the room. She adores him...and he adores her too. After 3 boys, it sure is alot of fun to see him with his daughter.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Catch up
Again, strolling her baby. This seems to be our favorite outdoor activity...although, she has learned to hit a baseball off a tee ;)

She's pointing at her little stroller rolling down the driveway. She uses the footstep on her stroller as a little seat. It actually works really well at the ballgames. She likes to sit there and eat a snack.
Of course, I couldn't let the boys have all the fun. I do have to say that I was definitely the wilder ride. It is so sweet how all the boys are so conservative with her. This bike thing spins around in circles and they're scared they'll hurt her. I knew better and took her for a crazy ride! So fun.
OK, I was asked about what Wesleigh was wearing in yesterday's post. The bow is from my favorite etsy site here. The dress was a gift. It is Baby Lulu.
Have a great day!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Our Big Day
I have been wanting to get Wesleigh's ears pierced for a few weeks now, but it took me a while to decide that I was actually going to go through with it. Then it took even longer to find a time where the store had 2 people who could do it at the same time, and I could have someone to go with me. I was such a wreck!
Before we went, I took Miss W out because the weather has been so incredible. She definitely put on a show for me ;) Her dress was given to me by Denise. Denise, I LOVE it!! It is so beautiful on her!!'s the after. You've already seen my favorite picture from this shoot, but there were SO many cute ones. I love this one, how she's so dressed up, but the dress is hiked up.
And, one of my absolute favorites. I love how she's reaching out for me. I swear, she gets more beautiful each day. She is such a joy and has added so much to our lives. How did we survive without her?
Monday, March 15, 2010
Notice Anything Different?

I have stressed over this for a week! I wanted to get her ears pierced really bad, but had a hard time getting up the nerve to do it. Richard's little sister met me there and held her while they did it. I was a big chicken! Poor Amanda, the only time she's held Wesleigh is to get her ears pierced. I was a nervous wreck, but she only cried for a minute and they are SOOOOOO cute!
How Did That Get There?!?!
Do you know how mad I would have been if I'd been looking for this shoe? Luckily, I was looking for potatoes!
And this would be the washing machine.
We have this post office crate sitting in the dining room from when we got back from China. It now holds the tupperware (and a bow that I spent a good long time trying to find the other day!).
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
My Girl
A few days ago, we had some great weather and were able to go out to play (and take some pics)
Braden grabbed the camera and shot a few of the two of us.
I LOVE these MJ pants! They are a little big so we have to roll the waist, but they are so cute! Wesleigh is still such a little peanut. I haven't brought her back to the doctor, but I don't really think she's gained any weight. She eats good, but is VERY active. I think she's just going to be small.
She loves her brothers...and they think she's pretty great too!
Sleepy Morning and The World's Best Snack
I'm almost caught up! This week has been rainy and yuck, so it's given me a chance to post the pics I've missed from last week. I've been trying to make the blog rounds and visit everyone who left me such sweet comments while we were in China. Wesleigh hates for me to be on the computer and when I even sit in the chair she starts fussing. This leaves me naptime to get everything done. I want to get to everyone, though, because your comments were so uplifting and sweet.