By now, you know how much our family loves baseball. Richard set up this batting station in our garage so the boys could practice hitting, even when the weather is yucky. He sacrifices his parking spot for it. The boys love it and spend many afternoons in here hitting off the tee and doing soft toss. The other day, Richard brought Wesleigh in there with them and set her up in her stroller. I was in the laundry room, which is connected to the garage, and heard all this squawking and cheering. When I opened the door, this is what I saw. Wesleigh was so excited to see them hit the ball. She was screaming words at them (I have no idea what she was saying) and cheering when they hit the ball. It was absolutely hysterical. We have never heard her talk so much, and definitely not so loud. She'll fit right in at the baseball games with her Mama!!
The pics aren't great, but that's the best my garage will give me. Look close...she's got chopsticks in her hands. I don't know why I think that's so funny, but a little Chinese girl holding chopsticks, cheering very loudly for her American brother hitting the baseball just makes me smile ;)
The pics aren't great, but that's the best my garage will give me. Look close...she's got chopsticks in her hands. I don't know why I think that's so funny, but a little Chinese girl holding chopsticks, cheering very loudly for her American brother hitting the baseball just makes me smile ;)
We visited the 5th grade! Cade had his turn, now it was Braden's. He was so proud. Everyone got the biggest kick out of her squeaky shoes. I didn't realize that people didn't know that they actually squeak when she walks! Too funny!
This one isn't the best of Wesleigh, but I love the way Braden is looking at her ;)
I appologize for not visiting everyone's blogs since I've been back. There are so many new "friends" that I am dying to check out. Wesleigh HATES it when I get on the computer, so that leaves me with naptime and night. There is just so much to do...I hope to get by soon!!