I can't decide if I like it or not. I cannot wear a regular bikini because of "baby fat" and stretch marks, so this is intriguing to me. Tell me what you think? Would you wear it? Would you make fun of me if you saw me in it? Tell the truth!!
I did get a bit of good new yesterday. A couple of friends came over last night and stood on my scale. They both confirm that my scale reads 7 to 8 pounds to heavy!! That's right, I lost 7 whole pounds instantly!! Whoo Hoo!!!! Maybe I am ready for that swimsuit after all!!
if you sawed me in half I might fit...Beautay full suit!
Thanks for visiting the crazyhouse.
BTW, that chair is awesome, and if Glinda likes it, you know you're stylin'.
I know what you mean....sooo not ready...but can I come get on your scale??
Can I come stand on your scale? Maybe it would take off the 20 pounds I am working on.
I think I like that suit.........but I am gonna have to see someone standing in it. Not posing.....LOL unless this is your pose at the beach.......LOL
Jill :)
I like it. I was in target yesterday and they had some bottoms made like that. I did get the tank top 2 piece with the bottom like that and it looks cute on. We are going to Exuma in a couple of weeks and my legs look like baby powder!!!! YUCK
Unfortunately that style of suit makes my legs look like sausages being squeezed out of a sieve. Not good. Hopefully it can work for you.
I am with cough chick...that look does not flater my short legs and thighs. But it might look great! Never hurts to try---you can return right?
I do like it and I share in the hip love marks my boys left me.
I have referenced you on a post, hope you don't mind..
I don't like the suit at all, it looks like a grandma or a 20's flapper girl. It looks like you should have red lips a long cigerette and finger waves in your hair
I love the suit. Of course "I" could not wear it unless I lose some weight. Please mail me your scales.;)
The nautical look and red, white and blue is the thing this summer so you will certainly be the coolest mom at the beach. :)
I think everyone has there own stile that suits them kind of like Kimber said. I think it would look great on you not necessarily me.., I like it though.
I don't see anything tacky about it...
That is a heck of a lot better than the strings that they try and pass off as bathing suits now days. I could not imagine flossing at the beach with those little skimpy "bathing suits" and I put it in quotes for a reason. That bathing suit makes me think of the 50's when they left something to the imagination. Not just T & A's everywhere. I have to start thinking about shoving my pasty white flabby body into one also. We live in our pool and we always take a warm weather vacation so I need to start thinking about it. I think tomorrow I may start thinking about dieting-- I have not comitted since I still have some See's Candy left-- but I am thinking about it. If I loose the 10 to 15 pounds I need to then I woudl for sure wear that bathing suit. Until then I will wear my tankini with my security wrap around my big flabby celulite laden butt- ugg!!
Chrisyt :)
I actually think it is stylish and hip... in a retro kinda way.
Not something my legs or butt could EVER fit into,(sausages) but love the coverage on the tummy.
I say try it on.. can't tell by looking at a picture of a woman looking as if she is posing for the group of hot fraternity guys playing vollyball on the beach.
I would also like your scale mailed to me please. Although, you should know, you most likely will not get it back..I'm just sayin.
I think it is very cute. It's definitely worth trying on :)
I think your 7 pounds heavy on the scale was somehow sent telepathically to my arse. Stop sending, we are all stocked up on heavy over here.
I wear a two piece suit, too! A sweatshirt and sweatpants!
I do like the suit; however, I'm with the others on the legs thing; I like a high cut leg b/c it makes legs appear longer.
However, I am also a fan of the throw-back to the 60's styles and I immediately thought of Beach Blanket Bingo.
Buy it, let us see it and then we'll decide ;0
I think it's adorable and would look great on you. :)
I love it too!
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