The half-bricked floor: (It's grey from all the mortar, that will be washed off.)
The stucco base coats are done. They are supposed to start on the color coat today or tomorrow! The columns will also come in the next few days. It will completely change the look of the house.
This is my favorite part of the whole house, but has been the biggest pain in the but. The interior doors downstairs are reclaimed. Meaning that they were taken out of old houses and buildings. They are a little beat up and they have horizontal panels. They are absolutely gorgeous. The problem with them is that they are all different sizes. You have to make sure your door jam matches exactly and everyone of them has a different dimension. Guess who has been the go-between with measurements and such? Me, the little blond girl who doesn't care a thing about how big the doors are. Oh, well, they are hung and they are just as gorgeous as I imagined, so I guess it was all worth it. This is looking from my bedroom to my bathroom:
This one is in my bedroom also, going to the hall.
After this weekend, hopefully we will be much farther along. After we get the floors bricked, we can bring cabinets in and raise the big beams that are going in the keeping room.
Of course, this all depends on the workers actually showing up!
It's going to be beautiful! I love how you've incorporated old doors into the new. I love the charm of older houses! And now you get some of both.
YOUR BUILDING A HOUSE!!!! Oh I so wish we could do that! We ahve always wanted to build our own house but here in SO CAl it is just hard to find the land and it is sooooo expensive. Literally, we have a 1/2 acre parcel a mile from our house and they are asking 500K just for the land-- no house!! Just rediculous!!
I just love your house. It looks BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I love everything. Take more pics and let us see more. Congrats on the home!!!
Christy :)
Love the pictures...
Looks like it is coming along GREAT....
Can't wait to see more pictures...
Love it!! I can't wait to see more.
OOOOOHs and Ahhhhhhhs! It looks like it will be gorgeous!
The doors are beautiful. We have the old true wood six panel doors here. Now clarify for me. The floors inside of your house are going to be brick? I have never heard of that before.
Oh how beautiful!!! Those doors are sooooooo nice. I love your house. I can tell it is going to be oh so beautiful. I would give anything for brick floors. Alot of my friends have brick floors and they NEVER show dirt. Gotta love that. :)
Yes, the floors in the kitchen, keeping room, laundry and 1/2 bath are brick. The rest will be wood or carpet. I guess that's something they don't do in your neck of the woods. It's funny how different areas are from each other.
Your house looks beautiful! Keep the pictures coming. It will be fun to see the progress!
I am enjoying the house updates. I can't wait to see the finished product but its fun seeing things go along. Don't ever feel you are boring us with it. We love it. Have a good week. Rainy here :( but we need it.
It's all gorgeous! I love the brick floors and the doors are beautiful!
I know it's a lot of work, but I'm excited for you!!
LOVE the old doors! We used to live in a very old house and then when we moved here we built a New Old house. Love that. After what you have been through in the past deserve a beautiful house:)
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