I am reading a book for a Bible study called, "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World". One of the chapters this week focuses on "worry". I wanted to share a couple of excerpts from the book because they were so awesome and fitting to the whole China situation.
"We face legitimate concerns every day of our lives. But instead of fretting, instead of worrying, we need to focus on discerning what we can do (with God's help) and what should be left entirely up to God"
For those of us with our dossiers in China, there really isn't much more we can do. We can't make China speed things up, nor can we just go get our girls. It is completely up to God. There is no reason to spend our time and energy worrying about something that we cannot change. (Please know that I am talking to myself)
"The reasons our problems often seem overwhelming is [that] we allow the things of time to loom larger in our gaze than the things of eternity".
Wow, how powerful is that when time is what we are really all worried about. It kind of puts everything into perspective. Just thought I'd share.
good stuff to remember. thanks for the boost!
Our Sunday School lesson this past week was on worry. We are studying the commands of Christ. (See Matthew 6:25-34 and 10:24-31.) I also was reminded of one of my favorite verses in Philippians 4:6
"Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything."
Thanks Jennifer for another message from God for me about worry!
thank you for sharing!
Amen. I think I should look into that Bible study. Amist busyness I tend to lean to Martha, not Mary!
I never thought about things of time being what we worry about. That's deep. I can certainly learn from that lesson.
I have done that study too - it is SO good!! Thanks for reminding me of how good it was!!!
This is so true. I received something not too long ago from a friend who is involved with AA. No, it's not me however he sends me daily devotions. Anyway, it was on the same line as your bible reading today. Keep things in prospective and don't loose sight of the dream.
That is so good and meaningful to me. I try to remember that God is in control and I'm good with it most of the time. But some days are still so hard.
I was just reading someone's blog the other day who had been home from China a few months with their new little girl. She mentioned how she now understood the wait.....because God's timing is always perfect! How true that is. When the time is right that chosen little one will be right there waiting for us! Have a great week!
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