You'd be hard pressed to find a little girl who loves her birthday more than Gracie. Of course, every child loves her special day. Gracie just takes it to another level...of course, Gracie takes everything to another level! :)
I have tons of pics to post from this party. It was pulled together in 2 days, and was everything Miss Gracie had imagined.
The party was at a "pretend play" place. Everyone seemed to have a good time... young and old!
Richard worked hard on the Lincoln logs!
The boys found a checker's game.
And Gracie found a stage! Go figure!!
Of course, we had to do the Frozen theme again!
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday...
to Gracie...
Happy Birthday....
to you....
Gracie had to steal Olaf's teeth :)
I know there are way too many pics here, but I just can't help it. I don't ever want to forget how excited she gets when we sing "Happy Birthday" to her... So fun!
My goal is to finish blogging April by the end of May! I know I'm behind, but wow has life been busy!! So good....but SO busy!!