This series makes me smile. Cade is one of the biggest players on the team, but he's also fast. He plays shortstop which means he is involved in pick-off plays and run-downs all the time. There have been about 3 or 4 plays very similar to this one that Cade has been involved in this year already. Last weekend, he did this exact thing with his catcher's equipment on!!! You guessed it...I did not catch that shot :(
This base runner was trying to steal 2nd base. Cade is standing on 2nd waiting for the ball to come from the catcher.

Here's the how you can see the runner put on the brakes!

Cade could have thrown the ball to the 1st baseman, but he decided to chase him down himself.

I love how they're running in sync, and the expressions on their faces!!

Got him!! You're OUT!!

Baseball has definitely changed for me since Wesleigh came home. I used to be the mom sitting on the fence watching every single second. I have had to adjust that. I might see it...I might not. I won't say that I'm completely ok with this, but I've accepted that this is how it is. Well...most of the time I accept it (unless I end up crying on my bathroom floor because I missed Cade's first homerun because I was sweating in the park bathroom with the littles!!!!) :) Oh well...that's my life....and I love it (except the sweating in the bathroom part!!)
Great "CAPTURE" from both CADE and YOU!!! There is nothing like pictures that TELL A STORY!!
you are singing my song! This is my life as well with 3 boys and adopting 2 little girls and having 2 avid baseball players....from one baseball mom to another these are phenomenal shots!
FABULOUS series of pics! Way to go Cade!! These are perfect and show what a great player he is.
LOVE these shots!!! Good job!!!!!
Excellent caught it all!
Awesome pics my friend!!!!! You got it!!
I feel as though I'm AT the game. Great shots! Good playing, Cade. Maybe one day your mama will remember to invite me to a game. I'll even bring Sadie who would LOVE to take the girls to the sweaty bathroom!!!
These are awesome shots of a fun play to watch!!!
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