Braden and Cade have attended the same Jr. High this year. Braden is in 8th and Cade in 6th. My boys are talented, sweet, wonderful boys however, academics isn't really their "thing". They don't make bad grades, but neither of them made it on the honor roll this year. Does this upset me? Not really. Do I wish they would work harder to make better grades? Yes, but it has to come from them. I don't have the brainpower or time to keep up with all 5 schedules and school work. I was not a straight A student. I did what I needed to do to make the grades I needed, and I think I turned out alright :)
I say all this to say that when I received a note from school saying Braden would be receiving an award, I was excited. We knew it wasn't the honor roll or perfect attendance, so it must be one of the special teacher awards...right? The girls had to miss school so I could attend because of the timing. I sat through the ceremony, clapping for each student's accomplishment.

Each teacher got up and presented their special award for their sections. Braden's award had to be one of these, it was all that was left. Finally, his name was called: "Student of the Year" PE!!!!

All I could do is laugh. All he could do was grin. After the ceremony, he came up to me and we just laughed. I told him I was the proudest mom in the room...and he agreed that I should be :) lol...
I know you are all jealous...I'm sorry...not everyone can have such an outstanding child ;) are correct...he IS my favorite!
WHAT?!! That is Outstanding MOM! lol! Too sweet!
That is AWESOME Jen! Hey God gives us all gifts and they are all different but they are all important when we use them to glorify Him. Your kiddos are fabulous! Congratulations to Braden!
P.E. is really physical these days in school so that is quite a compliment! I can remember P E being a little jumprope, hopscotch, know...FUN STUFF! Now it's THE REAL DEAL!!! least it wasn't BEST OVERALL LUNCH STUDENT!
PS I see we aren't the ONLY family that share sarcasm w/each other!!
I think there is a scholarship in his future my friend!!! Sarcastic or not, I know you are proud of your boy/boys!!! From your sports loving/competitive pal, you know I love this award!!! Way to go Braden!!! Highschool next year.. Woohoo!!!!
Love it. My kids get awards every year for participating in the grade that they are in... like they had a choice.
Amen on your attitude! I finally told my husband that I was not going to be a tiger mom. That I would encourage good study habits and good grades, but that our children had to desire A's for themselves. I just can't be that tiger mom because it causes too much contention. Congratulations to your son!
So proud of you, Braden! You are focused and diligent about your passions and ever so sweet to your MawMaw! God has.a plan and a purpose.for your life--one that will use all your giftings --the many we see now and those yet to be discovered. One of those I've seen on the baseball field and at home is being an encourager! You use it with your teammates and I've been the recipient at times when you perceived that I was stressed trying to hold together the Doughty household in your mom's absence -- a knowing look, a kind word, a helping hand....only you noticed it was needed!!!!!
LOVE IT and love most of all that you both laughed! I learned a long time ago that the most important things to want for children are hearts that honor the Lord and all your kiddos have that!! I know for any 8th grade boy that was the BEST a award to get according to all his friends!!! lol
That is too cute!
When I was in jr high, I was in a carpool for school. One morning, Johnathan's mom was driving and Johnathan was like your boys as far as grades. The car in front of us in the line had one of those "my child is an honor roll student" stickers on it and Johnathan's mother looked at him and said "can't you just bring me one of those stickers just once?" in a very lighthearted way. And without missing a beat, Johnathan said, "sure...don't move...I'll go steal it for you." That was more than 20 years ago and I still giggle!
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