I love this girl...she makes me laugh constantly and she makes me wonder how I was so blessed that God picked me to be her mommy!
I love this first picture. I feel like I can look into the future and see what she will look like when she's grown. I also get the feeling I can see what her birth mother might look like.
Wesleigh Jane has certainly come into her own in the past couple of months. Her personality has taken a turn into quite the sassy know-it-all, and very talkative! She is still her super sweet, adorable self but now it's just on steroids! Here are some of the funny things she's said and done in the past couple of days:
*"why" has now turned into "did you know?". I cannot even tell you how many times a day I hear this phrase:
"Mommy....did you know?? that I love you??"
"Mommy...mommy...did you know?? that the t-rex is a meat eater??"
"Mommy...mommy...mommy... did you know?? that MawMaw is your mommy??"
"Mommy...mommy...did you know?? I am very smart??"
"Mommy...did you know?? That I live in China and Weesiana??"
NON-STOP!! But I must say, she tells me the "I love you" phrase about 100 times a day and it melts my heart every single time! She also talks about "my family" alot, and it might be the sweetest thing I've ever heard.
Her other new word is "hypothesis"! Yep...you read that right. We were on our way home from school yesterday talking about taking a nap and this is what I hear, "I have a hypothesis. My hypothesis is if you don't take a nap, you'll be crabby. But if you take a nap, you won't be crabby. That's my hypothesis". Seriously?? I don't know if Cade could use the word "hypothesis" in a sentence like that!! :)
Over the last 2 days, these are the other hypothesis's she's come up with:
"if mommy looks back at Gracie, she'll wreck. If she looks at the road, she won't wreck"
"if we wear a jacket, we won't be cold. If we don't wear a jacket, we'll be cold"
She has become very outgoing! Hard to believe, but she is the one who will walk up to anyone and start talking. Gracie still hides behind my leg for a little while in some new situations (not all...but some). Wesleigh goes right in and says "Nice to meet you". So sweet!
She has started spelling all the road signs. She knows all her letters very quickly, so she reads off all the letters and asks me what it says. Have I mentioned that she talks 100% of the time we're in the car??
There was a painting on the wall of a building on our way to Disney on Ice today. All of a sudden she says, "Hey...that's the state capitol in that painting". The state capitol was a small part of the painting but she was right. She has explained planets, meat-eating dinosaurs vs. plant eating dinosaurs, rainbows, sunsets, and many other concepts. I am amazed by her.
She loves deep. She knows how everyone in our family is related and she loves that she has "a weally big family". She not only loves her family, but loves her teachers. The report is that she will stop playing to come sit on the bench and tell her teacher how much she loves her. How much do you bet, that sentence starts with "Did you know??" lol...
I took all of these pics while we spent some alone time this afternoon. Gracie had been in time out 3 times at school today...yes THREE! So her punishment was a nap! I loved spending some time with Wesleigh alone. Her laugh is infectious and easy. I adore this little girl and am amazed by her daily :)