I don't know if you've watched Toy Story a million times like we have here, but there is a point in the movie where Woody says to Buzz, "You are a TOY! T-O-Y toy!". Wesleigh loves that line and has now adopted her version of it when she wants to spell words instead of say them. Her version is "T-O-E-O-Y". It's always the same and she uses it quite regularly. I even hear her saying that when she and Gracie are pretend playing. I guess that's what moms do. Spell words...they just all happen to be spelled T-O-E-O-Y :)
We have been rained in for a couple of weeks now, so opportunities to snap a couple of pics outside have been few and far between. These two are always game, though. :)

A couple of months ago, I posted a video of Wesleigh. I finally sat with Gracie for a couple of minutes and interviewed her. Here is that video if you want a peek at my crazy girl:
I L-O-V-E her!!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness! She is so precious!! I love that Cinderella and the princesses are 'at the ice skating'!! SOOOO CUTE!!
I love the girls outfits in the pic. You always take such cute pics of them. Guess it helps that they are happy to oblige huh?
We do exactly the same thing at our house. And we joke that one day she's just going to bust out with the word we just spelled. :)
Gracie is such a cutie! I love that hair.
Her expressions crack me up, she is just such a JOY!
So cute!! Can not wait to meet that little one. Once Georgene gets back we need to plan that trip to Disney to go see a princess or two!!! Miss you guys!
So cute! She reminds me so much of my little girl.
I am so tired of this rain. Hope you guys are staying dry!
Those little minds are ALWAYS on POINT!!! We have tried the "SPELL THE WORD" and here is ours usually play out
Me: Hey Honey, I think we need to hide some of that H-A-L-L-O-W-E-E-N
Hubby: (blank stare) then visually "writing" the letters in the air)
Me:(annoyed look) and side-eyeing the HUMONGOUS Mother-lode of Halloween Candy
Hubby: Wait...slow down spell it again
Me: Slowly respelling the words
Hubby: (light comes on) Ohhhhh...right
Bre: (eyeing both of us suspiciously) Dad...I think Momma wants you to "hide that Candy" from me!!
Do I think she is a genius...Nahhh she just had parents with bad communication skills! HA!!!
Happy Monday!! Wesleigh and Gracie are some characters!! Love the pick of them being silly!!
Gracie is beautiful... her joyful personality and that smile light up the room! Love the second picture of the girls; too funny! They really know how to pose.
Oh my goodness I am in love with her!!!!! She is precious!!!!!! Please just drop the girls off this summer during bb!!
She is Just PRECIOUS!!!!!! and Hilarious. :) Tell Gracie and Wesleigh Mia says hi.
We are doing the exact same thing. We are French speaking but our daughter is going to an English daycare so the only to communicate without being understand is to S-P-E-L-L as well ;) So funny! But she's so curious, she's getting it sometimes.
Have a great week!
Her middle name suits her well!! Sweet girl...
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